Displaying 1 - 25 out of 37 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Dasya coccinea (Huds.) Aresch. F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie Algues de la Normandie 03598184 Dasya coccinea (Huds.) Aresch.
Sphaerococcus coronopifolius Stackh. F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie Algues de la Normandie 03279243 Sphaerococcus coronopifolius Stackh.
Sphaerococcus ciliatus (Huds.) Stackh. F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie 03279234 Sphaerococcus ciliatus (Huds.) Stackh.
Hutchinsia fruticulosa C.Agardh F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie 03531946 Hutchinsia fruticulosa C.Agardh
Hutchinsia F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie 03531952 Hutchinsia
Ulva crispa Lightf. F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie 03558082 Ulva crispa Lightf.
Erythrotrichia carnea (Dillwyn) J.Agardh F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie 03558918 Erythrotrichia carnea (Dillwyn) J.Agardh
Erythrotrichia ciliaris (Carmich.) Thur. F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie 03558928 Erythrotrichia ciliaris (Carmich.) Thur.
Callithamnion tetricum (Dillwyn) Gray F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie 03560782 Callithamnion tetricum (Dillwyn) Gray
Chondria implexa Chauv. F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie 03597013 Chondria implexa Chauv.
Sphaerococcus corneus F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie Atlantic coasts of Normandy 03279237 Sphaerococcus corneus
Sphaerococcus corneus F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie Atlantic coasts of Normandy 03279238 Sphaerococcus corneus
Sphaerococcus corneus F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie Atlantic coasts of Normandy 03279239 Sphaerococcus corneus
Sphaerococcus F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie Atlantic coasts of Normandy 03279261 Sphaerococcus
Plocamium asparagoides (Woodw.) J.V.Lamour. F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie Atlantic coasts of Normandy 03333992 Plocamium asparagoides (Woodw.) J.V.Lamour.
Sphaerococcus corneus F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie Atlantic coasts of Normandy 03279236 Sphaerococcus corneus
Laurencia pyramidalis Bory ex Kütz. F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie Calvados (Dept.). Arromanches 03531569 Laurencia pyramidalis Bory ex Kütz.
Chondria dasyphylla (Woodw.) C.Agardh F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie Calvados (Dept.). Arromanches 03597128 Chondria dasyphylla (Woodw.) C.Agardh
Chondria tenuissima C.Agardh F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie Calvados (Dept.). Arromanches 03597202 Chondria tenuissima C.Agardh
Callithamnion secundatum (Lyngb.) C.Agardh F. J. Chauvin s.n. 1828 France Normandie Calvados (Dept.). Luc 02156687 Callithamnion secundatum (Lyngb.) C.Agardh
Ceramium corymbosum F. J. Chauvin s.n. Jun - Aug France Normandie Calvados (Dept.). Luc, near Caen;… 03561571 Ceramium corymbosum
Callithamnion corymbosum (Sm.) Lyngb. F. J. Chauvin s.n. France Normandie Manche (Dept.). Cherbourg 02156034 Callithamnion corymbosum (Sm.) Lyngb.
Halymenia dubia Bory F. J. Chauvin s.n. Jun - Oct France Normandie Manche (Dept.). Cherbourg, Fécamp 03532444 Halymenia dubia Bory
Bryopsis plumosa (Huds.) C.Agardh F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie Manche (Dept.). Côtes de la… 03054956 Bryopsis plumosa (Huds.) C.Agardh
Solieria chordalis (C.Agardh) J.Agardh F. J. Chauvin s.n. s.d. France Normandie Manche (Dept.). Côtes de la… 03279441 Solieria chordalis (C.Agardh) J.Agardh