Displaying 1 - 75 out of 223 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Lycopodium clavatum L. F. Prieto 14 06 Jun 1944 - 10 Jun 1944 Ecuador Provincia Oriente: Trip by Sr.… 3832809 Lycopodium clavatum L.
Geranium exallum H.E.Moore F. Prieto 279 10 Sep 1945-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay Prov. Azuay-"Oriente" border" Eastern Cordillera,… holotype 468265 Geranium exallum H.E.Moore
Ranunculus muricatus L. F. Prieto 2666 16 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca, along río… 649357 Ranunculus muricatus L.
Coccineorchis cernua (Lindl.) Garay F. Prieto AP29 14 Jun 1944 - 16 Jun 1944 Ecuador Loja Hda Jipiro, about 7 km.… 4027267 Coccineorchis cernua (Lindl.) Garay
Miconia lutescens (Bonpl.) DC. F. Prieto AP30 6 Jul 1944 Ecuador Loja Upper Malacatos valley, about 15-20… 3358600 Miconia lutescens (Bonpl.) DC.
Acianthera discophylla (Luer & Carnevali) Luer F. Prieto Chup-1 20 Nov 1944 Ecuador Morona-Santiago. Santiago-Zamora: Low hills west… 3988827 Acianthera discophylla (Luer & Carnevali) Luer
Stelis superbiens Lindl. F. Prieto CHuP-9 20 Nov 1944 - 22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Prov. Santiago-Zamora: Low hills west… 4203569 Stelis superbiens Lindl.
Miconia venulosa Wurdack F. Prieto ChuP-10 20 Nov 1944 - 22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. West of río Upano,… 1738816 Miconia venulosa Wurdack
Sphyrospermum buxifolium Poepp. & Endl. F. Prieto ChuP-18 20 Nov 1944 - 22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. "Oriente": low hills W… 2645106 Sphyrospermum buxifolium Poepp. & Endl.
Epidendrum jatunsachanum Dodson & Hágsater F. Prieto ChuP-21 20 Nov 1944 - 22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. Low hills west of… 1045712 Epidendrum jatunsachanum Dodson & Hágsater
Satyria panurensis (Benth. ex Meisn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Nied. F. Prieto ChuP-24 20 Nov 1944 - 22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. "Oriente": low hills W… 2644326 Satyria panurensis (Benth. ex Meisn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Nied.
Epidendrum alopecurum Schltr. F. Prieto ChuP-26 20 Nov 1944 - 22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. Low hills west of… 1047827 Epidendrum alopecurum Schltr.
Miconia hookeriana Triana F. Prieto ChuP-29 20 Nov 1944 - 22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. Low hills west of… 1164499
Peperomia gaultheriifolia Sodiro F. Prieto ChuP22 20 Nov 1944 - 22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora: Low hills west of… 4122212 Peperomia gaultheriifolia Sodiro
Piper lancilimbum Yunck. F. Prieto ChuP8 20 Nov 1944-22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. Low hills west of… holotype 251417 Piper lancilimbum Yunck.
Piper lancilimbum Yunck. F. Prieto ChuP8 20 Nov 1944-22 Nov 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. Low hills west of… isotype 251418 Piper lancilimbum Yunck.
Epidendrum atacazoicum Schltr. F. Prieto CP-7 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of río de Cañar,… 1045463
Epidendrum atacazoicum Schltr. F. Prieto CP-7 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of río de Cañar,… 1045464
Epidendrum prietoi Hágsater & Dodson F. Prieto CP-8 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of Río de Cañar,… holotype 1044648 Epidendrum prietoi Hágsater & Dodson
Psammisia ecuadorensis Hoerold F. Prieto CP-12 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Near El Corazon, between S.… 2642950 Psammisia ecuadorensis Hoerold
Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-13 06 Sep 1944-10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Near El Corazón, between San… isotype 9970 Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm.
Sphyrospermum flaviflorum A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-16 06 Sep 1944-10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of Río Cañar, near… isotype 10462 Sphyrospermum flaviflorum A.C.Sm.
Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-28 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of Río de Cañar… 2496749 Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm.
Oreanthes glanduliferus A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-29 06 Sep 1944-10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of Río Cañar at… isotype 10250 Oreanthes glanduliferus A.C.Sm.
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold F. Prieto CP-33 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of río de Canar… 2494479 Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-34 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of Río de Cañar… 2496748 Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm.
Oreanthes glanduliferus A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-37 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of Río de Cañar… 2604238 Oreanthes glanduliferus A.C.Sm.
Macleania mollis A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-38 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of río de Cañar… 2603506 Macleania mollis A.C.Sm.
Macleania mollis A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-39 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of río de Cañar… 2603507 Macleania mollis A.C.Sm.
Disterigma pentandrum S.F.Blake F. Prieto CP-40 6 Sep 1944-10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of Río Cañar at… 2152197 Disterigma pentandrum S.F.Blake
Peperomia trinervis var. subnudicaulis Yunck. F. Prieto CP10 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of río de Cañar,… 4125165 Peperomia trinervis var. subnudicaulis Yunck.
Piper hispidum var. lanceolatum Trel. & Yun F. Prieto CP25 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of río de Cañar,… 4138585 Piper hispidum var. lanceolatum Trel. & Yun
Selaginella lingulata Spring F. Prieto CP26 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of río de Cañar.… 2840406 Selaginella lingulata Spring
Peperomia epilobioides Trel. & Yunck. F. Prieto CP9 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of río de Cañar,… 4121953 Peperomia epilobioides Trel. & Yunck.
Senna birostris var. campiana H.S.Irwin & Barneby F. Prieto E-2527 10 Apr 1950 Ecuador Azuay Valley of Rí Paute, between… 1730693 Senna birostris var. campiana H.S.Irwin & Barneby
Dalea cylindrica var. nova (Ulbr.) Barneby F. Prieto E-2528 10 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Valley of the rio Paute,… 1306464
Lepechinia rufocampii Epling & Mathias F. Prieto E-2575 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Parroquia J. V. Izquierdo, at… isotype 700 Lepechinia rufocampii Epling & Mathias
Andinia spiralis (Ruiz & Pav.) Karremans & Mark Wilson F. Prieto E-2606 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Canar Azogues (Canton). Near the village… 3997479 Andinia spiralis (Ruiz & Pav.) Karremans & Mark Wilson
Miconia aspergillaris (Bonpl.) Naudin F. Prieto E-2645 14 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca. Near union… 3241621 Miconia aspergillaris (Bonpl.) Naudin
Podocarpus glomeratus D.Don F. Prieto E-2710 16 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca: along Río… 178830 Podocarpus glomeratus D.Don
Podocarpus glomeratus D.Don F. Prieto E-2710 14 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca: near union… 178834 Podocarpus glomeratus D.Don
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora (Lemoine ex E.Morren) N.E.Br. F. Prieto E-2728 19 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca. Along río… 528894
Govenia F. Prieto E-2740 19 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca. Along río… 960346 Govenia
Govenia F. Prieto E-2740 19 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca. Along río… 960347 Govenia
Solanum aureum Dunal F. Prieto E-4698 14 Aug 1945 - 16 Aug 1945 Ecuador Azuay The eastern Cordillera, 4-6 km.… 725923
Miconia asclepiadea Triana F. Prieto E-4901 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Zamora Chinchipe ("Oriente") Eastern slopes of the… 3241575 Miconia asclepiadea Triana
Lepanthes nummularia Rchb.f. F. Prieto E-4914 20 Aug 1945 Ecuador Prov. Santiago-Zamora ("Oriente"). Eastern slopes… 4098338 Lepanthes nummularia Rchb.f.
Miconia theaezans (Bonpl.) Cogn. F. Prieto E-4921 20 Aug 1945 Ecuador Morona Santiago Near junction of rios Pailas… 3460517 Miconia theaezans (Bonpl.) Cogn.
Burmeistera oblongifolia E.Wimm. F. Prieto E-4925 20 Aug 1945-24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. Near junction of rios… isotype 467998 Burmeistera oblongifolia E.Wimm.
Anthurium stephanii Croat & Acebey F. Prieto E-4928 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora: ("Oriente"): Eastern slopes of… 3779686 Anthurium stephanii Croat & Acebey
Anthurium bogneri Croat F. Prieto E-4929 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora: Near junction of río… 3775788 Anthurium bogneri Croat
Anthurium scandens (Aubl.) Engl. F. Prieto E-4930 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora: ("Oriente"): Eastern slopes of… 3778788 Anthurium scandens (Aubl.) Engl.
Munnozia campii H.Rob. F. Prieto E-4934 20 Aug 1945-24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. (Oriente")"Eastern slopes of the… holotype 230702 Munnozia campii H.Rob.
Bartlettina campii R.M.King & H.Rob. F. Prieto E-4935 20 Aug 1945-24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Prov. Santiago-Zamora ("Oriente"): eastern slopes… holotype 162502 Bartlettina campii R.M.King & H.Rob.
Schefflera F. Prieto E-4963 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. W.H. Camp; Prov. Santiago-Zamora… 3227100 Schefflera
Anthurium breviscapum Kunth F. Prieto E1461 13 Dec 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora: ("Oriente"): Near Mendez. Valley… 3775875 Anthurium breviscapum Kunth
Euphorbia peplus L. F. Prieto E2468 01 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 4030369 Euphorbia peplus L.
Euphorbia peplus L. F. Prieto E2468 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 4030373 Euphorbia peplus L.
Asplenium monanthes L. F. Prieto E2486 01 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 4042927 Asplenium monanthes L.
Niphidium longifolium (Cav.) C.V.Morton & Lellinger F. Prieto E2487 01 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 3967065 Niphidium longifolium (Cav.) C.V.Morton & Lellinger
Rumex crispus L. F. Prieto E2497 01 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 484963
Porphyrostachys pilifera (Kunth) Rchb.f. F. Prieto E2524 10 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Valley of the río Paute,… 4133226 Porphyrostachys pilifera (Kunth) Rchb.f.
Phlegmariurus tetragonus (Hook. & Grev.) B.Øllg. F. Prieto E2579 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Upland areas near the paramo… 3835352 Phlegmariurus tetragonus (Hook. & Grev.) B.Øllg.
Sticherus simplex (Desv.) Ching F. Prieto E2591 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Upland areas near the páramo… 3867798 Sticherus simplex (Desv.) Ching
Eriosorus flexuosus (Kunth) Copel. var. flexuosus F. Prieto E2593 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Upland areas near paramo zone,… 3914091 Eriosorus flexuosus (Kunth) Copel. var. flexuosus
Odontoglossum pardinum (Lindl.) Lindl. F. Prieto E2596 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Upland areas near páramo zone,… 4109741 Odontoglossum pardinum (Lindl.) Lindl.
Campyloneurum angustifolium (Sw.) Fée F. Prieto E2598 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 3968110 Campyloneurum angustifolium (Sw.) Fée
Asplenium harpeodes Kunze F. Prieto E2599 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 4042572 Asplenium harpeodes Kunze
Niphidium albopunctatissimum Lellinger F. Prieto E2600 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 3966787 Niphidium albopunctatissimum Lellinger
Odontoglossum viminale Rchb.f. F. Prieto E2602 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 4109807 Odontoglossum viminale Rchb.f.
Pleopeltis fraseri (Mett. ex Kuhn) A.R.Sm. F. Prieto E2603 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 3954591 Pleopeltis fraseri (Mett. ex Kuhn) A.R.Sm.
Elleanthus weberbauerianus Kraenzl. F. Prieto E2604 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 4070763 Elleanthus weberbauerianus Kraenzl.
Maxillaria aggregata (Kunth) Lindl. F. Prieto E2605 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 4104218 Maxillaria aggregata (Kunth) Lindl.
Asplenium cuspidatum Lam. F. Prieto E2607 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 4042109 Asplenium cuspidatum Lam.
Thelypteris supina (Sodiro) A.R.Sm. F. Prieto E2610 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Near the village of San… 4033442 Thelypteris supina (Sodiro) A.R.Sm.