Displaying 1 - 50 out of 223 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Acianthera discophylla (Luer & Carnevali) Luer F. Prieto Chup-1 20 Nov 1944 Ecuador Morona-Santiago. Santiago-Zamora: Low hills west… 3988827 Acianthera discophylla (Luer & Carnevali) Luer
Adiantum poiretii Wikstr. F. Prieto E2736 19 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca. Along río… 3921604 Adiantum poiretii Wikstr.
Adiantum raddianum C.Presl F. Prieto E2733 19 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca. Along río… 4236746 Adiantum raddianum C.Presl
Andinia spiralis (Ruiz & Pav.) Karremans & Mark Wilson F. Prieto E-2606 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Canar Azogues (Canton). Near the village… 3997479 Andinia spiralis (Ruiz & Pav.) Karremans & Mark Wilson
Anthurium bogneri Croat F. Prieto E-4929 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora: Near junction of río… 3775788 Anthurium bogneri Croat
Anthurium breviscapum Kunth F. Prieto E1461 13 Dec 1944 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora: ("Oriente"): Near Mendez. Valley… 3775875 Anthurium breviscapum Kunth
Anthurium scandens (Aubl.) Engl. F. Prieto E-4930 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora: ("Oriente"): Eastern slopes of… 3778788 Anthurium scandens (Aubl.) Engl.
Anthurium stephanii Croat & Acebey F. Prieto E-4928 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora: ("Oriente"): Eastern slopes of… 3779686 Anthurium stephanii Croat & Acebey
Asplenium cuspidatum Lam. F. Prieto E2607 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 4042109 Asplenium cuspidatum Lam.
Asplenium harpeodes Kunze F. Prieto E2599 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 4042572 Asplenium harpeodes Kunze
Asplenium monanthes L. F. Prieto E2486 01 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 4042927 Asplenium monanthes L.
Asplenium monanthes L. F. Prieto E2681 16 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca. Along río… 4042978 Asplenium monanthes L.
Asplenium praemorsum Sw. F. Prieto E2661 14 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca. Near Union… 4043262 Asplenium praemorsum Sw.
Axinaea quitensis Benoist F. Prieto P-116 27 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Parroquia Bayas: valley of río… 2450567 Axinaea quitensis Benoist
Axinaea scutigera subsp. ecuadorensis Wurdack F. Prieto JP50A 13-16 Jul 1944 Ecuador Loja Hda. Anganuma, at headquarters of… isotype 221366 Axinaea scutigera subsp. ecuadorensis Wurdack
Bartlettina campii R.M.King & H.Rob. F. Prieto E-4935 20 Aug 1945-24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Prov. Santiago-Zamora ("Oriente"): eastern slopes… holotype 162502 Bartlettina campii R.M.King & H.Rob.
Bomarea brachysepala Benth. F. Prieto P-209 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente Border": Eastern Cordillera, between… 1068052
Brachyotum ecuadorense Wurdack F. Prieto P307 10-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… holotype 221457 Brachyotum ecuadorense Wurdack
Bucquetia nigritella (Naudin) Triana F. Prieto P-191 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 2434426 Bucquetia nigritella (Naudin) Triana
Burmeistera oblongifolia E.Wimm. F. Prieto E-4925 20 Aug 1945-24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. Near junction of rios… isotype 467998 Burmeistera oblongifolia E.Wimm.
Campyloneurum angustifolium (Sw.) Fée F. Prieto E2598 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 3968110 Campyloneurum angustifolium (Sw.) Fée
Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold F. Prieto CP-33 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of río de Canar… 2494479 Cavendishia bracteata (Ruiz & Pav. ex J.St.-Hil.) Hoerold
Ceratostema alatum (Hoerold) Sleumer F. Prieto P-295 10 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" Border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 2496561 Ceratostema alatum (Hoerold) Sleumer
Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-13 06 Sep 1944-10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Near El Corazón, between San… isotype 9970 Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm.
Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-34 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of Río de Cañar… 2496748 Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm.
Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm. F. Prieto CP-28 06 Sep 1944 - 10 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Valley of Río de Cañar… 2496749 Ceratostema prietoi A.C.Sm.
Clidemia campii Wurdack F. Prieto E4942 20-24 Aug 1943 Ecuador Santiago-Zamora. "Oriente": Eastern slope of… isotype 221534 Clidemia campii Wurdack
Coccineorchis cernua (Lindl.) Garay F. Prieto AP29 14 Jun 1944 - 16 Jun 1944 Ecuador Loja Hda Jipiro, about 7 km.… 4027267 Coccineorchis cernua (Lindl.) Garay
Cranichis lehmanniana (Kraenzl.) L.O.Williams F. Prieto E2611 13 Apr 1945 Ecuador Cañar Near the village of San… 4038680 Cranichis lehmanniana (Kraenzl.) L.O.Williams
Cranichis schlimii Rchb.f. F. Prieto E4065 06 Jul 1945 - 09 Jul 1945 Ecuador Chimborazo - Cañar border (wester… 4038694 Cranichis schlimii Rchb.f.
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora (Lemoine ex E.Morren) N.E.Br. F. Prieto E-2728 19 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Vicinity of Cuenca. Along río… 528894
Cyrtochilum F. Prieto P232 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 4054776 Cyrtochilum
Cyrtochilum aureum (Lindl.) Senghas F. Prieto P205 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 4054616 Cyrtochilum aureum (Lindl.) Senghas
Cyrtochilum funis (F.Lehm. & Kraenzl.) Kraenzl. F. Prieto P208 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 4054675 Cyrtochilum funis (F.Lehm. & Kraenzl.) Kraenzl.
Cyrtochilum myanthum (Lindl.) Kraenzl. F. Prieto P232 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 4054717 Cyrtochilum myanthum (Lindl.) Kraenzl.
Dalea cylindrica var. nova (Ulbr.) Barneby F. Prieto E-2528 10 Apr 1945 Ecuador Azuay Valley of the rio Paute,… 1306464
Dalea cylindrica var. nova (Ulbr.) Barneby F. Prieto P-174 28 Jan 1945 Ecuador Cañar Along trail between Azogues and… 1306465
Dalea jamesonii (J.F.Macbr.) J.F.Macbr. F. Prieto P-180 28 Jan 1945 Ecuador Cañar Parroquia Luis Cordero, along trail:… 1306573 Dalea jamesonii (J.F.Macbr.) J.F.Macbr.
Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm. F. Prieto E4938C 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 4142289 Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm.
Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm. F. Prieto E4938B 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 4142290 Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm.
Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm. F. Prieto E4938B 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 4142291 Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm.
Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm. F. Prieto E4938B 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 4142292 Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm.
Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm. F. Prieto E4938A 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 4142293 Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm.
Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm. F. Prieto E4938A 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 4142294 Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm.
Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm. F. Prieto E4938A 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 4142295 Didymochlaena truncatula (Sw.) J.Sm.
Diphasiastrum thyoides (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Holub F. Prieto P65 25 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar Region of San Marcos, about… 3831978 Diphasiastrum thyoides (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Holub
Diplazium ferulaceum (Hook. ex T.Moore) Lellinger F. Prieto E4940 20 Aug 1945 - 24 Aug 1945 Ecuador Near junction of ríos Pailas… 4060696 Diplazium ferulaceum (Hook. ex T.Moore) Lellinger
Diplostephium crypteriophyllum Cuatrec. F. Prieto P-284 10 Sep 1945-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay Prov. Azuay--"Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera,… isotype 168215 Diplostephium crypteriophyllum Cuatrec.
Diplostephium juniperinum Cuatrec. F. Prieto P-288 10 Sep 1945-19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay Prov. Azuay-"Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera,… isotype 168226 Diplostephium juniperinum Cuatrec.
Disterigma alaternoides (Kunth) Nied. F. Prieto P-90 25 Sep 1944 Ecuador Cañar San Marcos region, ca. 10… 2151406 Disterigma alaternoides (Kunth) Nied.