Displaying 1 - 25 out of 531 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Cystophora platylobium (Mertens) J.Agardh F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. 1867 - 1869 Australia Victoria Port Phillip Bay 03206686 Cystophora platylobium (Mertens) J.Agardh
Mielichhoferia microdonta Mitt. F. J. H. von Mueller 126 s.d. Australia Victoria, Gipps Land Original material 01288850 Mielichhoferia microdonta Mitt.
Pimelea glauca var. subenervia R.Br. & Meisn. F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. s.d. Australia South Australia Port Lincoln possible isotype 1104570 Pimelea glauca var. subenervia R.Br. & Meisn.
Pimelea muelleri Meisn. F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. s.d. Australia South Australia Prope Adelaide syntype 1104574 Pimelea muelleri Meisn.
Guembelia obtusata Müll.Hal. & Hampe F. J. H. von Mueller 6 1855 Australia Australian Alps isotype 1717373 Guembelia obtusata Müll.Hal. & Hampe
Ballia callitricha (C.Agardh) Kütz. F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. s.d. Australia Victoria Port Phillip 02143193 Ballia callitricha (C.Agardh) Kütz.
Microporus affinis (Blume & T.Nees:Fr.) Kuntze F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. 1882 Australia Lord [Howe's] Island 1993709 Microporus affinis (Blume & T.Nees:Fr.) Kuntze
Macromitrium intermedium Mitt. F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. s.d. Australia South Australia. Ranges between the… holotype 01202031 Macromitrium intermedium Mitt.
Lobospira bicuspidata Aresch. F. J. H. von Mueller 4-4 s.d. Australia Victoria Port Phillip Heads 02257314 Lobospira bicuspidata Aresch.
Pycnoporus sanguineus (L. ex Fr. & Hök) Murrill F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. 1882 Australia Lord Howe's Island 1949855 Pycnoporus sanguineus (L. ex Fr. & Hök) Murrill
Pseudocyphellaria billardierei (Delise) Räsänen F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. Australia Tasmania Ferntreegullies in the lower regions… 4631241 Pseudocyphellaria billardierei (Delise) Räsänen
Meteorium fulvum Mitt. F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. s.d. Australia Victoria, Tarwin holotype 01186409 Meteorium fulvum Mitt.
Dictyota paniculata J.Agardh F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. s.d. Australia 03206509 Dictyota paniculata J.Agardh
Hakea brachyrrhyncha F.Muell. F. J. H. von Mueller Flora Mixta No. 481 s.d. Australia Near Mount Hunter, Australia felix. syntype 743242 Hakea brachyrrhyncha F.Muell.
Dicranum polysetum Hampe F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. s.d. Australia Dandenong original specimen 1094110 Dicranum polysetum Hampe
Hakea stricta F.Muell. ex Meisn. F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. s.d. Australia North-West band [=Bend], Murray River 743256 Hakea stricta F.Muell. ex Meisn.
Grimmia flexifolia Hampe F. J. H. von Mueller 52 Australia Munyang Mts. possible isolectotype 1140835 Grimmia flexifolia Hampe
Pterobryon australinum Mitt. F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. Aug 1855 Australia Islands of Moreton Bay type 01186530 Pterobryon australinum Mitt.
Ballia callitricha (C.Agardh) Kütz. F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. s.d. Australia 02143195 Ballia callitricha (C.Agardh) Kütz.
Cystoseira retroflexa (Labill.) C.Agardh F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. s.d. Australia Fort Philip 03206946 Cystoseira retroflexa (Labill.) C.Agardh
Pycnoporus sanguineus (L. ex Fr. & Hök) Murrill F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. s.d. Australia Queensland North Queensland 1949857 Pycnoporus sanguineus (L. ex Fr. & Hök) Murrill
Dicranum confine Müll.Hal. & Hampe F. J. H. von Mueller 98 s.d. Australia Victoria possible isotype 1093700 Dicranum confine Müll.Hal. & Hampe
Ramalina celastri (Spreng.) Krog & Swinscow F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. s.n. Australia New South Wales Illawarra 04512848 Ramalina celastri (Spreng.) Krog & Swinscow
Galaxaura tumida Kjellm. F. J. H. von Mueller s.n. s.d. Australia Nov. Holl., Habrone Bay possible type 02226324 Galaxaura tumida Kjellm.
Phyllospora comosa (Labill.) C.Agardh F. J. H. von Mueller 6184 Australia 02271243 Phyllospora comosa (Labill.) C.Agardh