Displaying 1 - 14 out of 14 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Ficus persicifolia Welw. ex Warb. F. Seret 361 Dec 1905 Democratic Republic of the Congo Route Amadi à Suronga (Ulélé) 04738248 Ficus persicifolia Welw. ex Warb.
Clerodendrum schweinfurthii Gürke F. Seret 356 14 Dec 1905 Democratic Republic of the Congo Route Amadi 5002057 Clerodendrum schweinfurthii Gürke
Neckera pertruncata Cardot F. Seret s.n. 1905 Democratic Republic of the Congo Bord de la riviere Nadi.… type 01307562 Neckera pertruncata Cardot
Clerodendrum fuscum Gürke F. Seret 460 18 Jan 1906 Democratic Republic of the Congo Gumbani 5001836 Clerodendrum fuscum Gürke
Ficus brachypoda (Miq.) Miq. F. Seret 563 24 Apr 1906 Democratic Republic of the Congo Sumbari (N-Uélé) 04738131 Ficus brachypoda (Miq.) Miq.
Orthostichella versicolor (Müll.Hal.) B.H.Allen & W.R.Buck F. Seret s.n. 1906 Democratic Republic of the Congo Congo belge: Suronga 674046
Combretum hispidum M.A.Lawson F. Seret 741 07 Jan 1907 Democratic Republic of the Congo Env. de Rungu 4964280 Combretum hispidum M.A.Lawson
Synsepalum longecuneatum De Wild. F. Seret 791 Mar 1907 Democratic Republic of the Congo env. de Nala 04998667 Synsepalum longecuneatum De Wild.
Asclepias curassavica L. F. Seret 775 30 Mar 1908 Democratic Republic of the Congo cultivé à Eala 04176713 Asclepias curassavica L.
Ficus capensis Thunb. F. Seret 286 Nov 1908 Democratic Republic of the Congo Village Bo (Amadi) 4738142 Ficus capensis Thunb.
Clerodendrum thyrsoideum Gürke F. Seret 1064bis 7-2-09 Democratic Republic of the Congo Riviere Walela 5002463 Clerodendrum thyrsoideum Gürke
Oubanguia africana Baill. F. Seret 1204 May 1910 Democratic Republic of the Congo Eala 04960882 Oubanguia africana Baill.
Leptactina leopoldi-secundi Büttner F. Seret 1241 28 Aug 1910 Democratic Republic of the Congo Modzambi 5022794 Leptactina leopoldi-secundi Büttner
Combretum hispidum M.A.Lawson F. Seret 7897 16 Feb 1938 Democratic Republic of the Congo Yangambi, ile Esali en face… 4964279 Combretum hispidum M.A.Lawson