Displaying 26 - 50 out of 58 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Gigartina radula (Esper) J.Agardh E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03587982 Gigartina radula (Esper) J.Agardh
Gloiopeltis furcata (Postels & Rupr.) J.Agardh E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03588035 Gloiopeltis furcata (Postels & Rupr.) J.Agardh
Grateloupia cutleriae f. procera M.Howe E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03587634 Grateloupia cutleriae f. procera M.Howe
Griffithsia E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03587788 Griffithsia
Hedophyllum subsessile (Aresch.) Setch. E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03055614 Hedophyllum subsessile (Aresch.) Setch.
Helicophyllum torquatum (Hook.) Brid. T. C. Frye | E. M. Frye 2195 17 Aug 1938 Mexico San Luis Potosí Tamazunchale Mun. Within town 00792303
Helicophyllum torquatum (Hook.) Brid. T. C. Frye | E. M. Frye 2195 17 Aug 1938 Mexico San Luis Potosí Tamazunchale Mun. Within town 00792307
Iridaea laminarioides Bory E. M. Frye s.n. 1915 United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03531878 Iridaea laminarioides Bory
Laurencia pinnatifida (Huds.) J.V.Lamour. E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03374209 Laurencia pinnatifida (Huds.) J.V.Lamour.
Microcladia borealis Rupr. E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03355387 Microcladia borealis Rupr.
Microcladia coulteri Harv. E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03355479 Microcladia coulteri Harv.
Nitophyllum latissimum (Harv.) J.Agardh E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03355787 Nitophyllum latissimum (Harv.) J.Agardh
Nitophyllum ruprechtianum J.Agardh E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03355817 Nitophyllum ruprechtianum J.Agardh
Odonthalia aleutica (C.Agardh) J.Agardh E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03355151 Odonthalia aleutica (C.Agardh) J.Agardh
Odonthalia floccosa (Esper) Falkenb. E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03355167 Odonthalia floccosa (Esper) Falkenb.
Odonthalia lyallii (Harv.) J.Agardh E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03355180 Odonthalia lyallii (Harv.) J.Agardh
Odonthalia semicostata J.Agardh E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03355188 Odonthalia semicostata J.Agardh
Phyllitis fascia (O.F.Müll.) Kütz. E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03060214 Phyllitis fascia (O.F.Müll.) Kütz.
Plocamium coccineum Lyngb. E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03333940 Plocamium coccineum Lyngb.
Polysiphonia californica Harv. E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03333506 Polysiphonia californica Harv.
Porphyra perforata J.Agardh E. M. Frye s.n. 1915 United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03558745 Porphyra perforata J.Agardh
Prionitis lyallii Harv. E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03273137 Prionitis lyallii Harv.
Ptilota filicina J.Agardh E. M. Frye s.n. s.d. United States of America Washington San Juan Co. San Juan… 03272770 Ptilota filicina J.Agardh
Racopilum tomentosum (Hedw.) Brid. T. C. Frye | E. M. Frye 2702 02 May 1939 Mexico Hidalgo Jacala de Ledezma Mun. About… 00792363
Racopilum tomentosum (Hedw.) Brid. T. C. Frye | E. M. Frye 2679 02 May 1939 Mexico Hidalgo Jacala de Ledezma Mun. About… 00792359