Displaying 1026 - 1050 out of 1098 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Endophyllum tuberculatum (Ellis & Kellerm.) Arthur & Fromme E. Bethel Bethel's garden 36416
Gymnosporangium multisporum Kern E. Bethel 25 Jun 1919 United States of America Colorado State Bridge 36345
Sphagnum squarrosum Crome E. Bethel 24 Aug 1904 United States of America Colorado Grand Lake 269359
Calvatia cyathiformis f. fragilis (Vittad.) A.H.Sm. E. Bethel United States of America Colorado Denver Co. 68929
Lycoperdon pyriforme Schaeff.:Pers. E. Bethel United States of America Maine 71933
Boletus edulis Bull.:Fr. E. Bethel United States of America Colorado Silver Lake 36510
Puccinia interveniens (Peck) Bethel E. Bethel 26 Aug 1916 United States of America California Victorville 36325
Gymnosporangium inconspicuum Kern E. Bethel 25 May 1917 United States of America Colorado Bayfield 36349
Puccinia amphigena Dietel E. Bethel Sep 1914 United States of America Colorado El Paso Co. 36336
Drepanocladus polycarpon (Blandow ex Voit) Warnst. E. Bethel Aug 1904 United States of America Colorado Grundy [?] 576057
Coleosporium ribicola Cooke & Ellis E. Bethel 24 Sep 1918 United States of America Colorado La Vita ? 36364
Coleosporium ribicola Cooke & Ellis E. Bethel 20 Sep 1918 United States of America Colorado Del Norte 36365
Coleosporium ribicola Cooke & Ellis E. Bethel 20 Sep 1918 United States of America Colorado Del Norte 36367
Coleosporium ribicola Cooke & Ellis E. Bethel 20 Sep 1918 United States of America Colorado Del Norte 36368
Coleosporium ribicola Cooke & Ellis E. Bethel 18 Sep 1918 United States of America Colorado San Juan Mountains 36369
Coleosporium ribicola Cooke & Ellis E. Bethel 20 Sep 1918 United States of America Colorado Del Norte 36370
Coleosporium ribicola Cooke & Ellis E. Bethel 14 Sep 1918 United States of America Colorado La Vita 36412
Gymnosporangium cornutum Pers. E. Bethel 14 Jun 1919 United States of America Colorado Palmer Lake 36426
Gymnosporangium kernianum Bethel E. Bethel 29 Jun 1919 United States of America Colorado State Bridge 36346
Gymnosporangium cornutum Arthur E. Bethel 14 Jun 1919 United States of America Colorado El Paso Co. Palmer Lake 36417
Puccinia musenii Ellis & Everh. E. Bethel 22 Aug 1909 United States of America Colorado Above Manitou, (Pikes Peak) 35352
Gymnosporangium gracilens F.Kern & Bethel E. Bethel Sep 1917 United States of America Colorado Cedar creek ? 36425
Sematophyllum adnatum (Michx.) E.Britton E. Bethel 13 Mar 1913 United States of America Texas Harris Co. 530848
Puccinia vexans Farl. E. Bethel 06 Apr 1922 United States of America Colorado Manitou 35877
Puccinia tardissima Garrett E. Bethel 23 Aug 1907 United States of America Colorado Ouray Co. 36405