Displaying 526 - 550 out of 559 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Timmia megapolitana Hedw. E. C. Howe s.n. 1867 United States of America New York Saratoga Co. 383491
Timmia megapolitana Hedw. E. C. Howe s.n. 1867 United States of America New York Saratoga Co. 383492
Tomentypnum nitens (Hedw.) Loeske E. C. Howe s.n. s.d. United States of America New York Washington Co. Fort Edward. 03103872
Tomentypnum nitens (Hedw.) Loeske E. C. Howe s.n. 1866 United States of America New York Washington Co. Fort Edward. 03103893
Tomentypnum nitens (Hedw.) Loeske E. C. Howe s.n. s.d. United States of America New York Washington Co. Fort Edward. 03103892
Tomentypnum nitens (Hedw.) Loeske E. C. Howe s.n. s.d. United States of America New York Washington Co. Fort Edward. 03103895
Tomentypnum nitens (Hedw.) Loeske E. C. Howe s.n. June United States of America New York Washington Co. Fort Edward. 03103902
Tomentypnum nitens (Hedw.) Loeske E. C. Howe s.n. s.d. United States of America New York Washington Co. Fort Edward. 03103905
Tomentypnum nitens (Hedw.) Loeske E. C. Howe s.n. s.d. United States of America New York Saratoga Co. New Baltimore. 03103906
Tomentypnum nitens (Hedw.) Loeske E. C. Howe s.n. s.d. United States of America New York Saratoga Co. New Baltimore. 03103908
Tomentypnum nitens (Hedw.) Loeske E. C. Howe s.n. s.d. United States of America New York Saratoga Co. New Baltimore. 03103909
Tomentypnum nitens (Hedw.) Loeske E. C. Howe s.n. s.d. United States of America New York Washington Co. Fort Edward. 03103912
Tortella humilis (Hedw.) Jenn. E. C. Howe United States of America New York Washington Co. 346746
Tortella humilis (Hedw.) Jenn. E. C. Howe United States of America New York Washington Co. 346750
Tortella humilis (Hedw.) Jenn. E. C. Howe United States of America New York Washington Co. 348866
Tortella tortuosa (Hedw.) Limpr. E. C. Howe 1868 United States of America New York Washington Co. 349050
Trichophorum planifolium (Spreng.) Palla E. C. Howe s.n. Jul 1866 United States of America New York Rensselaer Co. Brunswick 1912021 Trichophorum planifolium (Spreng.) Palla
Tridens flavus var. flavus E. C. Howe s.n. 1874 United States of America New York Westchester Co. 1830812 Tridens flavus var. flavus
Triosteum angustifolium L. E. C. Howe 2459007 Triosteum angustifolium L.
Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L. E. C. Howe s.n. 1879 United States of America New York Westchester Co. 1831602 Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L.
Ulota coarctata (P.Beauv.) Hammar E. C. Howe United States of America New York Washington Co. 508565
Ulota coarctata (P.Beauv.) Hammar E. C. Howe United States of America New York Washington Co. 507737
Valerianella umbilicata f. intermedia Egg.Ware E. C. Howe s.n. Jun 1869 United States of America New York Greene Co. Island in Hudson… 03468527 Valerianella umbilicata f. intermedia Egg.Ware
Warnstorfia fluitans (Hedw.) Loeske E. C. Howe s.n. s.d. United States of America New York Poestenkill 943514
Warnstorfia fluitans (Hedw.) Loeske E. C. Howe s.n. Jul 1868 United States of America New York Poestenkill 943520