Abietinella abietina (Hedw.) M.Fleisch.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. |
— |
467796 |
Agrocybe pediades (Fr.:Fr.) Fayod
E. C. Howe 18 |
s.d. |
— |
— |
Locality unspecified |
— |
1595827 |
Agrocybe semiorbicularis (Bull.:Fr.) Fayod
E. C. Howe s.n. |
s.d. |
United States of America |
New York |
— |
1997379 |
Agrostis capillaris L.
E. C. Howe s.n. |
May & June. |
United States of America |
New York |
Lansingburg[h]. |
— |
1554688 |
Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuck.
E. C. Howe s.n. |
Aug 1891 |
United States of America |
New York |
Lansingburg[h]. |
— |
1556821 |
Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuck.
E. C. Howe s.n. |
Aug 1876 |
United States of America |
New York |
Yonkers |
— |
1556868 |
Alopecurus pratensis L.
E. C. Howe s.n. |
Jun 1885 |
United States of America |
New York |
Lansingburgh. |
— |
1638387 |
Amblystegium serpens (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. |
— |
535510 |
Amphidium lapponicum (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
318051 |
Anacamptodon splachnoides (Froel. ex Brid.) Brid.
E. C. Howe s.n. |
Jul 1870 |
United States of America |
New York |
Poestenkill |
— |
943592 |
Andropogon gerardii Vitman
E. C. Howe |
1874 |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. |
— |
1639023 |
Andropogon virginicus L.
E. C. Howe s.n. |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. Hills of Yonkers |
— |
1640171 |
Anoectangium peckii (Sull.) Sull. ex Austin
E. C. Howe s.n. |
s.d. |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. Ft. Edward. |
— |
04535178 |
Anomodon attenuatus (Hedw.) Hübener
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Rensselaer Co. Fort Edward |
— |
507537 |
Anomodon attenuatus (Hedw.) Hübener
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. |
— |
510538 |
Anomodon minor (Hedw.) Lindb.
E. C. Howe |
1867 |
United States of America |
New York |
Saratoga Co. Fort Edward. [Inferred… |
— |
510700 |
Anomodon rostratus (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
— |
[location undetermined] |
— |
513502 |
Anomodon rugelii (Müll.Hal.) Keissl.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Saratoga Co. Fort Edward. [Inferred… |
— |
523280 |
Anomodon rugelii (Müll.Hal.) Keissl.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Saratoga Co. Fort Edward. [Inferred… |
— |
523291 |
Anomodon rugelii (Müll.Hal.) Keissl.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
Massachusetts |
Taconic Mts. |
— |
523406 |
Apera spica-venti (L.) P.Beauv.
E. C. Howe s.n. |
Jul 1887 |
United States of America |
New York |
Rensselaer Co. 1/4 mile north… |
— |
1474121 |
Aristida dichotoma Michx.
E. C. Howe s.n. |
Aug 1875 |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. |
— |
1473827 |
Astomum muhlenbergianum (Sw.) Grout
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
507576 |
Athyrium thelypterioides (Michx.) Desv.
E. C. Howe s.n. |
Jul 1875 |
United States of America |
New York |
Yonkers |
— |
3798280 |
Atrichum angustatum (Brid.) Bruch & Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
384465 |
Atrichum crispum (Hampe) Sull. & Lesq.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
384780 |
Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P.Beauv.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
388847 |
Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P.Beauv.
E. C. Howe |
1866 |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
388848 |
Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P.Beauv.
E. C. Howe |
Nov-Dec 1866 |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
388910 |
Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schwägr.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
403359 |
Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schwägr.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
403386 |
Bartramia pomiformis Hedw.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
430073 |
Bartramia pomiformis Hedw. var. pomiformis
E. C. Howe |
May |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
411409 |
Brachythecium laetum (Brid.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
1878 |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. |
— |
538514 |
Brachythecium laetum (Brid.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
1880 |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. |
— |
538518 |
Brachythecium laetum (Brid.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
1878 |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. |
— |
538519 |
Brachythecium laetum (Brid.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
01 Jan 1878 |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. |
— |
566839 |
Brachythecium laetum (Brid.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. |
— |
538517 |
Brachythecium plumosum (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. |
— |
577113 |
Brachythecium plumosum (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. |
— |
577114 |
Brachythecium plumosum (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
01 Nov 1877-31 Dec 1877 |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. |
— |
577116 |
Brachythecium populeum (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
01 Nov 1877-01 Dec 1877 |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. |
— |
577289 |
Brachythecium populeum (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. |
— |
577290 |
Brachythecium rivulare Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
588791 |
Brachythecium rivulare Schimp.
E. C. Howe 65 |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
588771 |
Brachythecium rutabulum (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
01 Jan 1866 |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
595168 |
Brachythecium velutinum (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Rensselaer Co. |
— |
761143 |
Brachythecium velutinum (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Rensselaer Co. |
— |
761145 |
Brachythecium velutinum (Hedw.) Schimp.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Rensselaer Co. |
— |
761151 |
Bromus japonicus Thunb.
E. C. Howe |
June |
United States of America |
New York |
Rensselaer Co. |
— |
1318792 |
Bromus kalmii A.Gray
E. C. Howe s.n. |
Jul 1891 |
United States of America |
New York |
Rensselaer Co. |
— |
1318577 |
Bryhnia graminicolor (Brid.) Grout
E. C. Howe 18 |
— |
United States of America |
— |
Nov. Ebor. See notes. |
— |
670223 |
Bryhnia novae-angliae (Sull. & Lesq.) Grout
E. C. Howe |
1866 |
United States of America |
New York |
Saratoga Co. Fort Edward. [Inferred… |
— |
670278 |
Bryum angustirete Kindb.
E. C. Howe |
s.d. |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. [Inferred county from… |
— |
52879 |
Bryum argenteum Hedw.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. [Inferred county from… |
— |
54398 |
Bryum caespiticium Hedw.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
379440 |
Bryum capillare Hedw.
E. C. Howe |
June |
United States of America |
New York |
Saratoga Co. Fort Edward. [Inferred… |
— |
391643 |
Bryum capillare Hedw.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Saratoga Co. Fort Edward. [Inferred… |
— |
391644 |
Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) G.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb.
E. C. Howe |
Jun 1866 |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
419914 |
Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) G.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb.
E. C. Howe |
1866 |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
419913 |
Buxbaumia minakatae S.Okamura
E. C. Howe |
Apr 1868 |
United States of America |
New York |
Ft. Edward |
— |
309385 |
Callicladium haldanianum (Grev.) H.A.Crum
E. C. Howe |
Nov or Dec |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
562922 |
Callicladium haldanianum (Grev.) H.A.Crum
E. C. Howe |
Nov and Dec |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
562984 |
Callicladium haldanianum (Grev.) H.A.Crum
E. C. Howe |
Nov. Dec |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
563185 |
Calliergon cordifolium (Hedw.) Kindb.
E. C. Howe |
1866 |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
525722 |
Calliergon giganteum (Schimp.) Kindb.
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
525802 |
Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
563794 |
Calliergonella cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske
E. C. Howe |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Washington Co. |
— |
577651 |
Carex alopecoidea Tuck.
E. C. Howe s.n. |
Jun 1886 |
United States of America |
New York |
Rensselaer Co. Lansingburgh, N.Y. [Inferred… |
— |
2235367 |
Carex alopecoidea Tuck.
E. C. Howe s.n. |
Jun 1889 |
United States of America |
New York |
Rensselaer Co. Lansingburg [=Lansingburgh], N.Y.… |
— |
2235385 |
Carex amphibola Steud.
E. C. Howe s.n. |
Jun 1880 |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. In wet meadows,… |
— |
2235425 |
Carex amphibola Steud.
E. C. Howe s.n. |
— |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. Yonkers, N.Y. [Inferred… |
— |
2235426 |
Carex anceps Muhl. ex Willd.
E. C. Howe s.n. |
May 1870 |
United States of America |
New York |
Greene Co. New Baltimore |
— |
25772 |
Carex anceps Muhl. ex Willd.
E. C. Howe s.n. |
Jun 1877 |
United States of America |
— |
[location undetermined] |
— |
25775 |
Carex anceps Muhl. ex Willd.
E. C. Howe s.n. |
May 1874 |
United States of America |
New York |
Westchester Co. |
— |
25777 |