Displaying 1 - 50 out of 559 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb. E. C. Howe s.n. 1861 United States of America New York Schoharie Co. sphagnamous swamp 4044177 Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb.
Cypripedium reginae Walter E. C. Howe s.n. 1861 United States of America New York Schoharie Co. Near Charlotteville 4054324 Cypripedium reginae Walter
Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb. E. C. Howe s.n. 1862 United States of America New York Saratoga Co. Woods 4044092 Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb.
Piptatherum pungens (Torr.) Dorn E. C. Howe s.n. May 1863 United States of America New York Westchester Co. Fort Edward. 1764388 Piptatherum pungens (Torr.) Dorn
Carex chordorrhiza Ehrh. E. C. Howe s.n. May 1863 United States of America New York Saratoga Co. Peat bog, Moreau,… 2255302 Carex chordorrhiza Ehrh.
Mnium stellare Reichard ex Hedw. E. C. Howe s.n. May 1863 United States of America New York Saratoga Co. Moreau; opposite Ft.… 380046
Carex folliculata L. E. C. Howe 4837 Jun 1863 United States of America New York Saratoga Co. Moreau 2276711 Carex folliculata L.
Carex scoparia Schkuhr ex Willd. E. C. Howe s.n. Jun 1863 - 1891 United States of America New York Various localities north of New… 2302945 Carex scoparia Schkuhr ex Willd.
Carex disperma Dewey E. C. Howe s.n. May 1864 United States of America New York Washington Co. Peat bog, Hartford. 2263262 Carex disperma Dewey
Carex paupercula Michx. E. C. Howe s.n. May 1864 United States of America New York Washington Co. Peat bog, Hartford. 2295312 Carex paupercula Michx.
Carex echinata Murray subsp. echinata E. C. Howe s.n. June 1864 United States of America New York Rensselaer Co. Swamps, Troy. [Inferred… 2264039 Carex echinata Murray subsp. echinata
Woodsia obtusa (Spreng.) Torr. E. C. Howe s.n. Jul 1864 United States of America New York Rensselaer Co. 3810465 Woodsia obtusa (Spreng.) Torr.
Cyperus rivularis Kunth E. C. Howe s.n. Aug 1864 United States of America New York Washington Co. 2819432 Cyperus rivularis Kunth
Orthodicranum flagellare (Hedw.) Loeske E. C. Howe 1864 United States of America New York Washington Co. 326937
Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson E. C. Howe 1864 United States of America New York Saratoga Co. Fort Edward. [Inferred… 379052
Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wilson E. C. Howe 1864 United States of America New York Washington Co. 379053
Climacium americanum Brid. E. C. Howe 1864 United States of America New York Washington Co. 509342
Climacium americanum Brid. E. C. Howe 1864 United States of America New York Washington Co. 509341
Fuscocephaloziopsis catenulata (Huebener) Váňa & L.Söderstr. E. C. Howe 1864-1868 United States of America New York Washington Co. 253592
Spartina patens (Aiton) Muhl. E. C. Howe s.n. Aug 1865 United States of America New York Kings Co. Brooklyn. Coney Island. 1816610 Spartina patens (Aiton) Muhl.
Neckera pennata Hedw. E. C. Howe Nov 1865-Dec 1865 United States of America New York Washington Co. 466175
Neckera pennata Hedw. E. C. Howe 1865 United States of America New York Washington Co. 466176
Plagiomnium ellipticum (Brid.) T.J.Kop. E. C. Howe 1865 United States of America New York Saratoga Co. Fort Edward. [Inferred… 401357
Distichium capillaceum (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. E. C. Howe 1865-1866 United States of America New York Ft. Edward 316783
Sphagnum subsecundum Nees E. C. Howe 1865 United States of America New York Saratoga Co. Fort Edward. [Inferred… 275474
Timmia megapolitana Hedw. E. C. Howe 3 1865 United States of America New York Washington Co. 383526
Dichelyma capillaceum (With.) Myrin E. C. Howe 1865 United States of America New York Washington Co. 436656
Brachythecium rutabulum (Hedw.) Schimp. E. C. Howe 01 Jan 1866 United States of America New York Washington Co. 595168
Carex echinata subsp. phyllomanica (W.Boott) Reznicek E. C. Howe s.n. June 1866 United States of America New York Rensselaer Co. Swamp, Poestenkill. [Inferred… 2264334 Carex echinata subsp. phyllomanica (W.Boott) Reznicek
Bryum pseudotriquetrum (Hedw.) G.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb. E. C. Howe Jun 1866 United States of America New York Washington Co. 419914
Trichophorum planifolium (Spreng.) Palla E. C. Howe s.n. Jul 1866 United States of America New York Rensselaer Co. Brunswick 1912021 Trichophorum planifolium (Spreng.) Palla
Thelia hirtella (Hedw.) Sull. E. C. Howe Aug 1866 United States of America New York Brunswick, near Troy 714565
Fontinalis novae-angliae Sull. E. C. Howe Aug 1866 United States of America New York Rensselaer Co. Grafton Mts. 516221
Fontinalis novae-angliae Sull. E. C. Howe Aug 1866 United States of America New York Rensselaer Co. Grafton Mts. 516115
Fissidens adianthoides Hedw. E. C. Howe Nov-Dec 1866 United States of America New York Washington Co. 303969
Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P.Beauv. E. C. Howe Nov-Dec 1866 United States of America New York Washington Co. 388910
Pylaisiadelpha recurvans (Michx.) W.R.Buck E. C. Howe 1866 United States of America New York Washington Co. Fort Edward 529796
Plagiomnium drummondii (Bruch & Schimp.) T.J.Kop. E. C. Howe 1866 United States of America New York 1866 401322
Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P.Beauv. E. C. Howe 1866 United States of America New York Washington Co. 388848
Entodon cladorrhizans (Hedw.) Müll.Hal. E. C. Howe 1866 United States of America New York Washington Co. 478775
Entodon cladorrhizans (Hedw.) Müll.Hal. E. C. Howe 1866 United States of America New York Washington Co. 478786
Entodon cladorrhizans (Hedw.) Müll.Hal. E. C. Howe 1866 United States of America New York Washington Co. 478788
Sphagnum recurvum P.Beauv. E. C. Howe 1866 United States of America New York Poestenkill 302525
Sphagnum cuspidatum Ehrh. ex Hoffm. E. C. Howe 1866 United States of America New York Rensselaer Co. Poestenkill 276210
Myurella sibirica (Müll.Hal.) Reimers E. C. Howe 1866 United States of America New York Saratoga Co. Fort Edward. [Inferred… 467400
Myurella sibirica (Müll.Hal.) Reimers E. C. Howe 1866 United States of America New York Saratoga Co. Fort Edward. [Inferred… 467413
Isopterygiopsis pulchella (Hedw.) Z.Iwats. E. C. Howe 1866 United States of America New York Washington Co. 655108
Calliergon cordifolium (Hedw.) Kindb. E. C. Howe 1866 United States of America New York Washington Co. 525722
Homomallium adnatum (Hedw.) Broth. E. C. Howe 1866 United States of America New York Washington Co. 610307
Bryhnia novae-angliae (Sull. & Lesq.) Grout E. C. Howe 1866 United States of America New York Saratoga Co. Fort Edward. [Inferred… 670278