Apopellia endiviifolia (Dicks.) Nebel & D.Quandt
E. C. Wallace 1472 |
06 Oct 1957 |
United Kingdom |
England |
Wiltshire Unitary Authority. above Tinhead… |
— |
4684198 |
Catoscopium nigritum (Hedw.) Brid.
E. C. Wallace |
17 Jul 1976 |
United States of America |
Alaska |
North Slope (a pipeline construction… |
— |
153359 |
Gymnomitrion crenulatum Gottsche ex Carrington
E. C. Wallace 1105 |
10 Sep 1950 |
United Kingdom |
Scotland |
in Choire Dubh [Choire Dhuibh]… |
— |
04285944 |
Gymnomitrion crenulatum Gottsche ex Carrington
E. C. Wallace 1767 |
30 Sep 1952 |
United Kingdom |
Scotland |
Highland Council Area. Sgùrr Breac,… |
— |
04285942 |
Harpalejeunea molleri (Steph.) Grolle
E. C. Wallace 767 |
24 Jul 1949 |
United Kingdom |
Scotland |
Argyll and Bute Council Area.… |
— |
04449517 |
Hygrohypnum luridum (Hedw.) Jenn.
E. C. Wallace s.n. |
19 Jul 1976 |
United States of America |
Alaska |
by stream draning into Toolik… |
— |
1162656 |
Radula aquilegia (Hook.f. & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees
E. C. Wallace 1112 |
07 Jul 1950 |
United Kingdom |
Scotland |
Argyll and Bute Council Area.… |
— |
4685518 |
Radula aquilegia (Hook.f. & Taylor) Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees
E. C. Wallace 1112 |
07 Jul 1950 |
United Kingdom |
Scotland |
Argyll and Bute Council Area.… |
— |
4468169 |
Rhynchospora colorata (L.) H.Pfeiff.
E. C. Wallace 206 |
27 Jun 1945 |
Myanmar |
— |
Kyaukpyu, Ramree Island. |
— |
02650668 |
Taxiphyllum wissgrillii (Garov.) Wijk & Margad.
E. C. Wallace 888 |
26 May 1949 |
United Kingdom |
Scotland |
in ravine of Kirkbean ????… |
— |
03550343 |