Displaying 1 - 5 out of 5 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Chara braunii C.C.Gmel. E. Hall 19 s.d. United States of America Illinois 02011776 Chara braunii C.C.Gmel.
Chara braunii C.C.Gmel. E. Hall 27 s.d. United States of America Illinois 02011777 Chara braunii C.C.Gmel.
Chara braunii C.C.Gmel. E. Hall 1 s.d. United States of America Illinois 02011786 Chara braunii C.C.Gmel.
Chara contraria A.Braun ex Kütz. E. Hall 12 s.d. United States of America Illinois 02012159 Chara contraria A.Braun ex Kütz.
Tolypella prolifera (Ziz ex A.Braun) Leonh. E. Hall 9 s.d. United States of America Illinois 01003521 Tolypella prolifera (Ziz ex A.Braun) Leonh.