Displaying 1 - 75 out of 182 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Acanthophora delilei J.V.Lamour. E. E. Gore 29 Sri Lanka 02141124 Acanthophora delilei J.V.Lamour.
Acanthophora dendroides Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. 02141130 Acanthophora dendroides Harv.
Acrotylus australis J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia 02195886 Acrotylus australis J.Agardh
Alsidium corallinum C.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. Italy Liguria Genova (Metro. City). 02142184 Alsidium corallinum C.Agardh
Amansia mamillaris J.V.Lamour. ex C.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Western Australia Geraldton 02142249 Amansia mamillaris J.V.Lamour. ex C.Agardh
Apophlaea lyallii Hook.f. & Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. New Zealand Chatham Island 02142902 Apophlaea lyallii Hook.f. & Harv.
Areschougia laurencia (Hook.f. & Harv.) Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. 02142955 Areschougia laurencia (Hook.f. & Harv.) Harv.
Areschougia sedoides Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. Australia Western Australia Bunbury 02142964 Areschougia sedoides Harv.
Asparagopsis sandfordiana Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. Australia Western Australia Geraldton 02143028 Asparagopsis sandfordiana Harv.
Asperococcus bullosus J.V.Lamour. E. E. Gore s.n. Australia 02227564 Asperococcus bullosus J.V.Lamour.
Ballia callitricha (C.Agardh) Kütz. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. New Zealand 02143203 Ballia callitricha (C.Agardh) Kütz.
Ballia robertiana Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia South Australia Robe 02143235 Ballia robertiana Harv.
Bangia E. E. Gore s.n. 02105244 Bangia
Bornetia binderiana (Sond.) Zanardini E. E. Gore s.n. Australia Western Australia Geraldton 02143901 Bornetia binderiana (Sond.) Zanardini
Bostrychia hookeri Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. Unknown [illegible] 02143975 Bostrychia hookeri Harv.
Brongniartella australis (C.Agardh) F.Schmitz E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. New Zealand 02155325 Brongniartella australis (C.Agardh) F.Schmitz
Callithamnion floridulum (Dillwyn) Lyngb. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Victoria Ventnor 02179634 Callithamnion floridulum (Dillwyn) Lyngb.
Callithamnion plumula (J.Ellis) Lyngb. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. United Kingdom England Brighton 02156489 Callithamnion plumula (J.Ellis) Lyngb.
Callithamnion pulchellum Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia South Australia 02156557 Callithamnion pulchellum Harv.
Callophyllis carnea J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. New Zealand 02156917 Callophyllis carnea J.Agardh
Carpoblepharis flaccida (J.V.Lamour.) Kütz. E. E. Gore s.n. South Africa Cape of Good Hope 02157431 Carpoblepharis flaccida (J.V.Lamour.) Kütz.
Caulacanthus ustulatus (Mertens ex Turner) Kütz. E. E. Gore s.n. New Zealand 02157553 Caulacanthus ustulatus (Mertens ex Turner) Kütz.
Caulerpa brownii (C.Agardh) Endl. E. E. Gore s.n. Australia South Australia S. Aus. 02116709 Caulerpa brownii (C.Agardh) Endl.
Caulerpa hypnoides C.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. Australia Victoria Portland. 02117175 Caulerpa hypnoides C.Agardh
Caulerpa remotifolia Sond. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Western Australia 02117846 Caulerpa remotifolia Sond.
Caulerpa vesiculifera (Harv.) Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Tasmania 02118170 Caulerpa vesiculifera (Harv.) Harv.
Ceramium apiculatum J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. Oct 1879 New Zealand Hawke's Bay 02114979 Ceramium apiculatum J.Agardh
Ceramium uncinatum Harv. E. E. Gore 3 New Zealand 02418008 Ceramium uncinatum Harv.
Champia tasmanica Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Tasmania 02176710 Champia tasmanica Harv.
Chauviniella coriifolia (Harv.) Papenf. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Western Australia 02176892 Chauviniella coriifolia (Harv.) Papenf.
Chlorodesmis comosa Harv. & Bailey E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Vanuatu New Hebrides 02119238 Chlorodesmis comosa Harv. & Bailey
Chnoospora implexa J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Vanuatu New Hebrides 02227958 Chnoospora implexa J.Agardh
Chondriopsis corallorhiza J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Geographe Bay 02177438 Chondriopsis corallorhiza J.Agardh
Chondriopsis harveyana J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Tasmania 02177469 Chondriopsis harveyana J.Agardh
Chondriopsis harveyana J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. Australia Pt. Philip 02177468 Chondriopsis harveyana J.Agardh
Chordaria dictyosiphon (Harv.) Kütz. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Western Australia Geraldton 02228217 Chordaria dictyosiphon (Harv.) Kütz.
Chrysymenia obovata (J.Agardh) Sond. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia 02177997 Chrysymenia obovata (J.Agardh) Sond.
Chylocladia ramsayana J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. Australia Port Jackson. 02173611 Chylocladia ramsayana J.Agardh
Cladhymenia lyallii Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. New Zealand 02173627 Cladhymenia lyallii Harv.
Cladhymenia oblongifolia Hook.f. & Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. New Zealand W. Coast 02173628 Cladhymenia oblongifolia Hook.f. & Harv.
Cladurus elatus (Sond.) Falkenb. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Western Australia Clifton 02173638 Cladurus elatus (Sond.) Falkenb.
Cliftonaea pectinata (Harv.) Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Western Australia Bunbury 02173660 Cliftonaea pectinata (Harv.) Harv.
Coeloclonium opuntioides (Harv.) J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Victoria Port Philip 02173681 Coeloclonium opuntioides (Harv.) J.Agardh
Corallina rosea Lam. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Victoria Portland 02174271 Corallina rosea Lam.
Corynecladia clavata (Sond.) J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Western Australia Geographe Bay 02174501 Corynecladia clavata (Sond.) J.Agardh
Crouania insignis Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Victoria Queenscliffe possible type 02136747 Crouania insignis Harv.
Cryptonemia elata (Harv.) J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Western Australia 02174717 Cryptonemia elata (Harv.) J.Agardh
Cryptonemia phyllophora (Hook.f. & Harv.) J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. Unknown Bunbury 02174773 Cryptonemia phyllophora (Hook.f. & Harv.) J.Agardh
Cryptonemia undulata Sond. E. E. Gore s.n. Australia Western Australia Geraldton 02174781 Cryptonemia undulata Sond.
Curdiea laciniata Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Victoria Port Phillip 02174906 Curdiea laciniata Harv.
Cystophora brownii (W.B.Turner) J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia South Australia Adelaide. 02229045 Cystophora brownii (W.B.Turner) J.Agardh
Cystophora monilifera J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Adelaide 02229056 Cystophora monilifera J.Agardh
Cystophora polycystidea Aresch. ex J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. Australia South Australia Adelaide. 02229103 Cystophora polycystidea Aresch. ex J.Agardh
Cystophora spartioides (Turner) J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. 02229139 Cystophora spartioides (Turner) J.Agardh
Cystophyllum muricatum (C.Agardh) J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. Australia Queensland Cleveland 02229200 Cystophyllum muricatum (C.Agardh) J.Agardh
Dasya cliftonii Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Western Australia Geraldton possible type 02136556 Dasya cliftonii Harv.
Dasyphila preissii Sond. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia 02178742 Dasyphila preissii Sond.
Delesseria frondosa Hook.f. & Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Tasmania R. Swan 02178794 Delesseria frondosa Hook.f. & Harv.
Dicranema grevillei Sond. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia 02179176 Dicranema grevillei Sond.
Dicranema revolutum (C.Agardh) J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. 02179179 Dicranema revolutum (C.Agardh) J.Agardh
Dictyomenia harveyana Sond. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Tasmania 02179210 Dictyomenia harveyana Sond.
Dictyomenia sonderi Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Western Australia 02179213 Dictyomenia sonderi Harv.
Dictyomenia tridens (Mert. ex Turner) Grev. E. E. Gore s.n. Australia Western Australia Geraldton 02179216 Dictyomenia tridens (Mert. ex Turner) Grev.
Dictyomenia tridens (Mert. ex Turner) Grev. E. E. Gore s.n. 02179215 Dictyomenia tridens (Mert. ex Turner) Grev.
Dictyopteris plagiogramma (Mont.) Vickers E. E. Gore s.n. Australia Western Australia Geraldton 02231212 Dictyopteris plagiogramma (Mont.) Vickers
Dictyota bartayresiana J.V.Lamour. E. E. Gore s.n. Antigua and Barbuda Antigua 02231753 Dictyota bartayresiana J.V.Lamour.
Dictyota fastigiata Sond. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Victoria Port Philip 02232536 Dictyota fastigiata Sond.
Dictyota minimum E. E. Gore s.n. Australia South Australia Adelaide. 02232685 Dictyota minimum
Dictyota paniculata J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia South Australia Adelaide 02195516 Dictyota paniculata J.Agardh
Dilophus wilsonii J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. 02232838 Dilophus wilsonii J.Agardh
Fauchea coronata (Harv.) J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. Australia Pt. Ph. Hds. 02180427 Fauchea coronata (Harv.) J.Agardh
Fauchea nitophylloides J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia New South Wales Port Jackson 02180455 Fauchea nitophylloides J.Agardh
Gelidium australe J.Agardh E. E. Gore s.n. Australia South Australia Adelaide. 02208755 Gelidium australe J.Agardh
Gelidium glandulaefolium Hook.f. & Harv. E. E. Gore s.n. s.d. Australia Western Australia 02209337 Gelidium glandulaefolium Hook.f. & Harv.
Gelidium latifolium Bornet ex Hauck E. E. Gore s.n. 02209392 Gelidium latifolium Bornet ex Hauck