Displaying 1 - 3 out of 3 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Ferocactus latispinus subsp. greenwoodii (Glass) N.P.Taylor M. Simon 6245 1901 United States of America New York Bronx Co. New York Botanical… 03859646 Ferocactus latispinus subsp. greenwoodii (Glass) N.P.Taylor
Echinopsis oxygona (Link & Otto) Pfeiff. & Otto M. Simon 6640 1901 United States of America New York Bronx Co. New York Botanical… 03859081 Echinopsis oxygona (Link & Otto) Pfeiff. & Otto
Ferocactus glaucescens (DC.) Britton & Rose M. Simon 6176 s.d. United States of America New York Bronx Co. New York Botanical… 03859618 Ferocactus glaucescens (DC.) Britton & Rose