Displaying 76 - 100 out of 173 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Myrsine ledermannii (Mez) Fosberg & Sachet N. Tangalin 1236 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136951 Myrsine ledermannii (Mez) Fosberg & Sachet
Crepidomanes grande (Copel.) Ebihara & K.Iwats. N. Tangalin 1237 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136964 Crepidomanes grande (Copel.) Ebihara & K.Iwats.
Isachne carolinensis Ohwi N. Tangalin 1238 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136952 Isachne carolinensis Ohwi
Melastoma malabathricum var. marianum (Naudin) Fosberg & Sachet N. Tangalin 1240 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136913 Melastoma malabathricum var. marianum (Naudin) Fosberg & Sachet
Lindsaea obtusa J.Sm. N. Tangalin 1241 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136925 Lindsaea obtusa J.Sm.
Leucostegia pallida (Mett.) Copel. N. Tangalin 1242 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Wentiktik en Rohleng, Wasahn Nahk… 4817398 Leucostegia pallida (Mett.) Copel.
Croton ripensis Kaneh. & Hatus. N. Tangalin 1243 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136963 Croton ripensis Kaneh. & Hatus.
Psychotria hombroniana (Baill.) Fosberg N. Tangalin 1244 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136922 Psychotria hombroniana (Baill.) Fosberg
Cinnamomum pedatinervium Meisn. N. Tangalin 1245 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136924 Cinnamomum pedatinervium Meisn.
Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G.Don N. Tangalin 1246 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136930 Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G.Don
Cyrtandra urvillei C.B.Clarke N. Tangalin 1247 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136953 Cyrtandra urvillei C.B.Clarke
Syzygium stelechanthum (Diels) Glassman N. Tangalin 1248 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 4817411 Syzygium stelechanthum (Diels) Glassman
Grammitis ponapensis Copel. N. Tangalin 1250 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136923 Grammitis ponapensis Copel.
Discocalyx ponapensis Mez N. Tangalin 1251 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136958 Discocalyx ponapensis Mez
Claoxylon carolinianum Pax & K.Hoffm. N. Tangalin 1253 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136961 Claoxylon carolinianum Pax & K.Hoffm.
Bolbitis heteroclita (C.Presl) Ching N. Tangalin 1254 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136915 Bolbitis heteroclita (C.Presl) Ching
Ixora casei Hance N. Tangalin 1255 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Nankepira, roadside w/… 2136960 Ixora casei Hance
Tapeinidium carolinense K.U.Kramer N. Tangalin 1256 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136954 Tapeinidium carolinense K.U.Kramer
Psidium guajava L. N. Tangalin 1257 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136962 Psidium guajava L.
Passiflora foetida var. hispida (DC. ex Triana & Planch.) Killip ex Gleason N. Tangalin 1258 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Nankepira, roadside w/… 2136937 Passiflora foetida var. hispida (DC. ex Triana & Planch.) Killip ex Gleason
Vigna marina (Burm.) Merr. N. Tangalin 1259 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Nankepira, roadside w/… 2136912 Vigna marina (Burm.) Merr.
Angelonia angustifolia Benth. N. Tangalin 1260 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Nankepira, roadside w/… 2136920 Angelonia angustifolia Benth.
Abelmoschus moschatus Medik. N. Tangalin 1262 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Nankepira, roadside w/… 2136914 Abelmoschus moschatus Medik.
Fimbristylis littoralis Gaudich. N. Tangalin 1263 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Nankepira, roadside w/… 4817385 Fimbristylis littoralis Gaudich.
Asplenium cuneatum Lam. N. Tangalin 1264 08 May 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Wentiktik en Rohleng,… 2136948 Asplenium cuneatum Lam.