Displaying 1 - 4 out of 4 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Clerodendrum volubile P.Beauv. Bequaert 582 7.VIII.1913 Democratic Republic of the Congo Lendana, Shiloango. 5002185 Clerodendrum volubile P.Beauv.
Clerodendrum splendens var. pubscens Bequaert 776 15 Sep 1913 Democratic Republic of the Congo Kisongo (Banana) 05002108 Clerodendrum splendens var. pubscens
Clerodendrum volubile P.Beauv. Bequaert 7848 18 Jun 1915 Democratic Republic of the Congo Katala Bambi 5002190 Clerodendrum volubile P.Beauv.
Clerodendrum milne-redheadi Moldenke Bequaert 50 Sep 1927 Democratic Republic of the Congo Mukishi 05001964 Clerodendrum milne-redheadi Moldenke