Displaying 26 - 50 out of 309 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Onnia circinata (Fr.) P.Karst. Joel L. Horman s.n. 04 Dec 2008 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Southaven County Park 04116644
Psathyrella pseudocorrugata A.H.Sm. Joel L. Horman s.n. 01 May 2009 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Nissequogue River State… 04116608
Helvella griseoalba N.S.Weber Joel L. Horman s.n. 19 Jun 2009 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Northern edge of… 04116610
Entoloma commune Murrill Joel L. Horman s.n. 23 Jun 2009 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Collector's yard 04116604
Agaricus floridanus Peck Joel L. Horman s.n. 24 Jun 2009 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Suburban lawn 03999858
Inocybe intricata Peck Joel L. Horman s.n. 24 Jun 2009 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Old Town Road… 04106769
Boletus atkinsonii Peck Joel L. Horman s.n. 03 Jul 2009 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Prodell Middle School 03999867
Inocybe ventricosa G.F.Atk. Joel L. Horman s.n. 11 Jul 2009 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Heckscher State Park,… 04106725
Inocybe albodisca Peck Joel L. Horman s.n. 14 Aug 2009 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Brookhaven State Park 04106768
Amanita microlepis Bas Joel L. Horman s.n. 28 Aug 2009 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Brookhaven State Park 04116689
Entoloma watsonii (Peck) Noordel. Joel L. Horman s.n. 01 Sep 2009 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Caleb Smith State… 04106716
Paxillus involutus (Batsch:Fr.) Fr. Joel L. Horman s.n. 04 Oct 2009 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. NYS DEC area 04116609
Hebeloma brunneifolium Hesler Joel L. Horman s.n. 04 Oct 2009 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. NYS DEC area 04106719
Mycena vulgaris (Pers.:Fr.) P.Kumm. Joel L. Horman s.n. 04 Oct 2009 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Cathedral Pines County… 04106730
Tricholoma fumosoluteum Peck Joel L. Horman s.n. 31 Oct 2009 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Edgewook Oak Plains… 04116663
Russula dissimulans Shaffer Joel L. Horman s.n. 07 Nov 2009 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Rocky Point Pine… 04116646
Tricholoma pessundatum (Fr.:Fr.) Quél. Joel L. Horman s.n. 07 Nov 2009 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Rocky Point Pine… 04116673
Cortinarius scandens Fr. Joel L. Horman s.n. 19 Nov 2009 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Rocky Pt. Pine… 04106713
Pluteus podospileus Sacc. & Cub. Joel L. Horman s.n. 05 Sep 2010 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Collector's yard 04116588
Lepiota atrodisca Zeller Joel L. Horman s.n. 11 Sep 2010 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Catherdral Pines County… 04116612
Suillus hirtellus (Peck) Kuntze Joel L. Horman s.n. 30 Sep 2010 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Peconic Hills County… 04116672
Russula paludosa Britzelm. Joel L. Horman s.n. 02 Oct 2010 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Peconic Hills County… 04116660
Amanita submaculata Peck Joel L. Horman s.n. 02 Oct 2010 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. NYS DEC area 04116682
Mycena americana (A.H.Sm.) Singer Joel L. Horman s.n. 09 Oct 2010 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Muttontown Preserve 04116614
Panaeolus subbalteatus (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. Joel L. Horman s.n. 14 Oct 2010 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Prosser Pines County… 04116589