Displaying 1 - 75 out of 309 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Cortinarius bruneostriatus Liimat., Niskanen, J.Horman & M.E.Smith Joel L. Horman s.n. 06 Oct 2019 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. David A. Sarnoff… isotype 04449304
Boletus floridanus (Singer) Murrill Joel L. Horman s.n. 02 Sep 2001 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Rocky Pt. Natural… 01293237
Tylopilus appalachiensis Singer Joel L. Horman s.n. 24 Aug 2001 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Wildwood State Park 01293238
Tylopilus rubrobrunneus Mazzer & A.H.Sm. Joel L. Horman s.n. 30 Aug 2001 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Wildwood State Park 01293239
Inocybe unicolor Peck Joel L. Horman s.n. 20 Jun 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Southaven County Park,… 02408145 Inocybe unicolor Peck
Entoloma subquadratum Hesler Joel L. Horman s.n. 13 Sep 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Southaven County Park,… 02408146
Amanita phalloides (Fr.:Fr.) Link Joel L. Horman s.n. 04 Nov 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Southaven County Park,… 02408147
Lyophyllum loricatum (Fr.) Kühner Joel L. Horman s.n. 04 Nov 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Southaven County Park,… 02408148
Agrocybe arvalis (Fr.) Singer Joel L. Horman s.n. 17 Sep 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Bayard Cutting Arboretum… 02408149
Agrocybe putaminum (Maire) Singer Joel L. Horman s.n. 15 May 2014 United States of America New York Nassau Co. LIU Post Arboretum,… 02408150
Amanita pseudovolvata Tulloss Joel L. Horman s.n. 17 Jul 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. suburban backyard 02408152
Laccaria ohiensis (Mont.) Singer Joel L. Horman s.n. 24 Aug 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. backyard 02408153
Pholiota spumosa (Fr.) Singer Joel L. Horman s.n. 18 Oct 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. collector's wooded backyard 02408154
Amanita submaculata Peck Joel L. Horman s.n. 16 Jul 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Brookhaven State Park,… 02408155
Cantharellus ignicolor R.H.Petersen Joel L. Horman s.n. 15 Jun 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Brookhaven State Park,… 02408156
Tricholoma luteomaculosum A.H.Sm. Joel L. Horman s.n. 30 Oct 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Brookhaven State Park,… 02408157
Inocybe hystrix (Fr.) P.Karst. Joel L. Horman s.n. 08 Nov 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Brookhaven State Park,… 02408158
Amanita volvata (Peck) Lloyd Joel L. Horman s.n. 02 Jul 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Wildwood State Park,… 02408160
Russula squalida Peck Joel L. Horman s.n. 02 Jul 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Wildwood State Park,… 02408161
Morchella punctipes Peck Joel L. Horman s.n. 30 Apr 2011 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Welwyn Preserve, 205… 02408162
Annulohypoxylon annulatum (Schwein.) Y.M.Ju, J.D.Rogers & H.M.Hsieh Joel L. Horman s.n. 26 Apr 2014 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Welwyn Preserve, 205… 02408163
Diatrype stigma (Hoffm.:Fr.) Fr. Joel L. Horman s.n. 26 Apr 2014 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Welwyn Preserve, 205… 02408164
Hypoxylon fragiforme (Pers.) J.Kickx f. Joel L. Horman s.n. 26 Apr 2014 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Welwyn Preserve, 205… 02408165
Schizopora paradoxa (Schrad.:Fr.) Donk Joel L. Horman s.n. 26 Apr 2014 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Welwyn Preserve, 205… 02408166
Annulohypoxylon cohaerens (Pers.:Fr.) Y.M.Ju, J.D.Rogers & H.M.Hsieh Joel L. Horman s.n. 26 Apr 2014 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Welwyn Preserve, 205… 02408167
Hebeloma mesophaeum (Pers.) Quél. Joel L. Horman s.n. 03 May 2014 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Planting Fields Arboretum,… 02408168
Peziza repanda Wahlenb. Joel L. Horman s.n. 03 May 2014 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Planting Fields Arboretum,… 02408169
Gymnopus dryophilus var. lanipes (Bertault & Bertault) A.Ortega, Antonín & Esteve-Rav. Joel L. Horman s.n. 17 May 2014 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Bethpage State Park,… 02408172
Pholiota veris A.H.Sm. & Hesler Joel L. Horman s.n. 17 May 2014 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Bethpage State Park,… 02408174
Phlebia rufa (Pers.) M.P.Christ. Joel L. Horman s.n. 11 Jun 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Rocky Point, Rocky… 02408177
Rhizopogon fuscorubens A.H.Sm. Joel L. Horman s.n. 24 Aug 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Rocky Point, Rocky… 02408178
Pluteus nothopellitus Justo & M.L.Castro Joel L. Horman s.n. 28 Jun 2014 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Blydenburgh County Park,… 02408186
Callistosporium luteo-olivaceum (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) Singer Joel L. Horman s.n. 25 Aug 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Middle Island, Cathedral… 02408192
Inocybe subcarpta Kühner & Boursier Joel L. Horman s.n. 08 Nov 2014 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Brookhaven State Park,… 02408199
Dendrothele nivosa (Berk. & M.A.Curtis) P.A.Lemke Joel L. Horman s.n. 17 Mar 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Wildwood State Park 02686104
Inonotus rheades (Pers.:Fr.) P.Karst. Joel L. Horman s.n. 22 May 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Edgewood Oak Plains… 02686107
Russula flavida Frost Joel L. Horman s.n. 04 Jul 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Wading R. School,… 02686109
Boletus reticulatus Schaeff. Joel L. Horman s.n. 04 Jul 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Wading R. School,… 02686110
Amanita submaculata Peck Joel L. Horman s.n. 05 Jul 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Brookhaven State Park 02686112
Lepiota cristata (Bolton:Fr.) P.Kumm. Joel L. Horman s.n. 07 Jul 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Wertheim NWR 02686113
Hydnellum scrobiculatum (Fr.) P.Karst. Joel L. Horman s.n. 24 Jul 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Cranberry Bog County… 02686115
Boletus pallidoroseus Both Joel L. Horman s.n. 25 Jul 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Brookhaven State Park 02686116
Lepista densifolia (J.Favre) Singer & Clémençon Joel L. Horman s.n. 27 Jul 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Rocky Pt. Nat.… 02686117
Byssomerulius corium (Pers.:Fr.) Parmasto Joel L. Horman s.n. 11 Aug 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Collector's Yard 02686118
Cortinarius bulbosus (Sowerby) Fr. Joel L. Horman s.n. 11 Oct 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Brookhave State Park 02686133
Bankera fuligineoalba (J.C.Schmidt) Coker & Beers ex Pouzar Joel L. Horman s.n. 21 Oct 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Brookhaven State Park 02686139
Rhizopogon fuscorubens A.H.Sm. Joel L. Horman s.n. 24 Oct 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Cranberry Bog County… 02686141
Tapinella panuoides (Fr.) E.-J.Gilbert Joel L. Horman s.n. 24 Oct 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Peconic Hills County… 02686143
Trametes conchifer (Schwein.:Fr.) Pilát Joel L. Horman s.n. 29 Oct 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Rocky Pt. Nat.… 02686144
Clitocybe diatreta (Fr.) P.Kumm. Joel L. Horman s.n. 31 Oct 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Brookhaven State Park 02686147
Cortinarius evernius (Fr.:Fr.) Fr. Joel L. Horman s.n. 03 Nov 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Rocky Pt. Nat.… 02686149
Lactarius proximellus Beardslee & Burl. Joel L. Horman s.n. 14 Nov 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Edgewood Oak Plains… 02686150
Leucogloea compressa (Ellis & Everh.) R.Kirschner Joel L. Horman s.n. 21 Nov 2015 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Welwyn Preserve 02686154
Trametes cervina (Schwein.:Fr.) Bres. Joel L. Horman s.n. 21 Nov 2015 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Welwyn Preserve 02686155
Phlebia radiata Fr. Joel L. Horman s.n. 21 Nov 2015 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Welwyn Preserve 02686156
Clitocybe subditopoda Peck Joel L. Horman s.n. 23 Nov 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Brookhaven State Park 02686158
Galerina autumnalis (Peck) A.H.Sm. & Singer Joel L. Horman s.n. 23 Nov 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Wertheim NWR 02686159
Cortinarius armeniacus (Schaeff.) Fr. Joel L. Horman s.n. 26 Nov 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Brookhaven State Park 02686160
Psathyrella rugocephala (Atk.) A.H.Sm. Joel L. Horman s.n. 13 Dec 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Sound Ave Nature… 02686163
Lactarius vinaceorufescens A.H.Sm. Joel L. Horman s.n. 25 Dec 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Southaven County Park 02686164
Bjerkandera adusta (Willd.:Fr.) P.Karst. Joel L. Horman s.n. 28 Dec 2015 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Chandler Estate Preserve 02686165
Inocybe lacera (Fr.) P.Kumm. Joel L. Horman s.n. 29 Apr 2016 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Rocky Pt. Nat.… 02686167
Leucoagaricus leucothites (Vittad.) Wasser Joel L. Horman s.n. 22 Jan 2017 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Brookhaven State Park 02793701
Lactarius oculatus (Peck) Burl. Joel L. Horman s.n. 20 Sep 2016 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Southaven County Park 02793706
Coltricia perennis (L.:Fr.) Murrill Joel L. Horman s.n. 05 Oct 2016 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Southaven County Park 02793708
Agaricus Murrill Joel L. Horman s.n. 02 Oct 2016 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Muttontown Preserve 02793709
Lepiota miamensis Morgan Joel L. Horman s.n. 02 Oct 2016 United States of America New York Nassau Co. Muttontown Preserve 02793711
Retiboletus griseus (Frost) Manfr.Binder & Bresinsky Joel L. Horman s.n. 20 Sep 2016 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Southaven County Park 02793715
Tricholoma niveipes Peck Joel L. Horman s.n. 01 Dec 2016 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Deer Park, Edgewood… 02793716
Melanoleuca melaleuca (Pers.:Fr.) Murrill Joel L. Horman s.n. 05 Dec 2016 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Wildwood State Park 02793717
Tricholoma fumosoluteum Peck Joel L. Horman s.n. 01 Dec 2016 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Deer Park, Edgewood… 02793718
Ramaria flava var. parvispora Corner Joel L. Horman s.n. 17 Oct 2016 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Brookhaven State Park 02793720
Clitocybe phyllophila (Pers.) P.Kumm. Joel L. Horman s.n. 01 Nov 2016 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. David A. Sarnoff… 02793721
Amanita phalloides (Fr.:Fr.) Link Joel L. Horman s.n. 06 Nov 2016 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Wildwood State Park 02793724
Lycoperdon pusillum (Batsch:Pers.) Schumach. Joel L. Horman s.n. 16 Jul 2016 United States of America New York Suffolk Co. Heckscher State Park,… 02793728