Displaying 1 - 7 out of 7 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Bartramia mossmaniana Müll.Hal. J. Hamilton 743 1923 Chile Punta Arenas 2083404 Bartramia mossmaniana Müll.Hal.
Blindia torrentium Cardot & Broth. J. Hamilton 1139 1925 Falkland Islands Beaver Island 01251217
Blindia torrentium Cardot & Broth. J. Hamilton 755 1923 Falkland Islands Weddell Island 01251218
Blindia torrentium Cardot & Broth. J. Hamilton 755 1923 Falkland Islands Weddell and Quatres Islands 01251219
Bryum apiculatum Schwägr. J. Hamilton 1894 Jul 1927 Brazil Rio de Janeiro 02081724 Bryum apiculatum Schwägr.
Dendroligotrichum dendroides (Hedw.) Broth. J. Hamilton s.n. 1920 Chile Los Lagos Chiloe Island. 1834657 Dendroligotrichum dendroides (Hedw.) Broth.
Dicranoloma imponens (Mont.) Renauld J. Hamilton s.n. 1933 Chile Clarence Islands, Fuegia 1918033 Dicranoloma imponens (Mont.) Renauld