Displaying 76 - 96 out of 96 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Polyscias subcapitata Kaneh. W. Law 142 14 Aug 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Kosrae Walung Municipality. Wot area, On… 02136802 Polyscias subcapitata Kaneh.
Prosaptia alata (Blume) Christ W. Law 160 24 Sep 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Kosrae Lelu (Mun.). Pihkucsrihk, from dam… 02136787 Prosaptia alata (Blume) Christ
Psilotum complanatum Sw. W. Law 132 07 Aug 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Kosrae Malem (Mun.). NE facing slope… 02136786 Psilotum complanatum Sw.
Psychotria hombroniana (Baill.) Fosberg W. Law 159 24 Sep 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Kosrae Lelu (Mun.). Pihkucsrihk, from dam… 02136969 Psychotria hombroniana (Baill.) Fosberg
Psychotria rhombocarpa Kaneh. W. Law 155 14 Sep 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Kosrae Lelu (Mun.). Tofol area. Travelling… 02136970 Psychotria rhombocarpa Kaneh.
Rubus moluccanus L. W. Law 139 08 Aug 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Kosrae Malem (Mun.). NE facing slope… 02136798 Rubus moluccanus L.
Rubus moluccanus L. W. Law 139 08 Aug 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Kosrae Malem (Mun.). NE facing slope,… 02817836 Rubus moluccanus L.
Rubus moluccanus L. W. Law 139 08 Aug 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Kosrae Malem (Mun.). NE facing slope,… 02817837 Rubus moluccanus L.
Schizaea dichotoma var. sellingii (L.) Sw. & Fosberg W. Law 150 27 Aug 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Kosrae Malem (Mun.). Fintakol area S… 02136785 Schizaea dichotoma var. sellingii (L.) Sw. & Fosberg
Stackhousia intermedia F.M.Bailey W. Law 288 07 Feb 2008 Palau Ngardmau On trail to Ngertebechel, Medalaiechad… 206828 Stackhousia intermedia F.M.Bailey
Strongylodon lucidus (T.F.Forst.) Seem. W. Law 164 27 Sep 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Kosrae Tafunsak (Mun.). Mount Okat. North… 02136932 Strongylodon lucidus (T.F.Forst.) Seem.
Styrax agrestis G.Don W. Law 138 07 Aug 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Kosrae Malem (Mun.). NE facing slope,… 02137046 Styrax agrestis G.Don
Tapeinidium biserratum (Blume) Alderw. W. Law 286 07 Feb 2008 Palau Ngardmau On trail to Ngertebechel, Medalaiechad… 206827 Tapeinidium biserratum (Blume) Alderw.
Timonius W. Law 297 16 Jun 2008 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Inland of Nih… 05104044 Timonius
Trichomanes W. Law 279 31 Jan 2008 Palau Ngeremlengui Ngermeskang, on old road/trail to… 206825 Trichomanes
Trichomanes javanicum var. boryanum (Kunze) Fosberg W. Law 276 31 Jan 2008 Palau Ngeremlengui Ngermeskang, on old road/trail to… 207097 Trichomanes javanicum var. boryanum (Kunze) Fosberg
Vigna adenantha (G.Mey.) Maréchal, Mascherpa & Stainier W. Law 180 22 Oct 2007 Federated States of Micronesia Kosrae Lelu (Mun.). Tofol area on… 02136931 Vigna adenantha (G.Mey.) Maréchal, Mascherpa & Stainier
Wikstroemia elliptica Merr. W. Law 185 28 Jan 2008 Palau Koror Ngermalk Island, from public use… 206809 Wikstroemia elliptica Merr.
Willoughbya angularis (Humb., Bonpl. & Kunth) Kuntze W. Law 246 28 Sep 2006 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Sokehs (Mun.). Pakin Island, Main… 05104053 Willoughbya angularis (Humb., Bonpl. & Kunth) Kuntze
Zehneria mucronata (Blume) Miq. W. Law 293 04 Jun 2008 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Kitti (Mun.). Enpein Pah to… 05104048 Zehneria mucronata (Blume) Miq.
Unspecified W. Law 191 28 Jan 2008 Palau Koror Ngermalk Island, along parking lot… 04817726