Displaying 1 - 3 out of 3 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Anomobryum julaceum (G.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb.) Schimp. LeDoux 2283 8/15/75 Mexico Oaxaca On Hwy. 175 from Oaxaca… 598780 Anomobryum julaceum (G.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb.) Schimp.
Bryum billardierii Schwägr. LeDoux 2160 13 Aug 1975 Mexico Chiapas 11 mi N of Teopisca,… 599035 Bryum billardierii Schwägr.
Peltigera austroamericana Zahlbr. LeDoux 2159 13 Aug 1975 Mexico Chiapas collected 11 mi. N. of… 04632440 Peltigera austroamericana Zahlbr.