Displaying 1 - 25 out of 66 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Acrostichum aureum L. H. Smith 110 22 Jul 1967 French Polynesia Island of Moorea. Roadside in… 3943855 Acrostichum aureum L.
Adiantum hispidulum Sw. H. Smith 50 22 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Island of Moorea. Tehaoa Valley 3923675 Adiantum hispidulum Sw.
Alsophila affinis (C.Presl) Fée H. Smith 161 8 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). District of Aeareaitu 04006624 Alsophila affinis (C.Presl) Fée
Alstonia stellata [ined.] H. Smith 179 08 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Island of Moorea. Plateau above… 04160161 Alstonia stellata [ined.]
Alstonia stellata [ined.] H. Smith 178 08 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Island of Moorea. Plateau above… 4160169 Alstonia stellata [ined.]
Alstonia stellata [ined.] H. Smith 180 08 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Island of Moorea. Plateau above… 4160170 Alstonia stellata [ined.]
Asclepias curassavica L. H. Smith 38 20 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Roadside into Opunohu… 4176843 Asclepias curassavica L.
Bolbitis H. Smith 30 17 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Faatoai Valley 4154464 Bolbitis
Bulbophyllum longiflorum Thouars H. Smith 7 15 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Island of Moorea. Opunohu-Roroie District 4012345 Bulbophyllum longiflorum Thouars
Calanthe triplicata (Willemet) Ames H. Smith 137 26 Jul 1967 French Polynesia Island of Moorea. Opunohu valley 04012739 Calanthe triplicata (Willemet) Ames
Canna indica L. H. Smith 40 20 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Coastal road between… 4356288 Canna indica L.
Carex mertensii J.D.Prescott ex Bong. H. Smith 2 24 Jul 1921 United States of America Alaska Valdez-Cordova Census Area. 2290581 Carex mertensii J.D.Prescott ex Bong.
Carex pachystachya Cham. ex Steud. H. Smith s.n. 05 Aug 1921 United States of America Alaska Afognak Lake, Afognak Is. 2294520 Carex pachystachya Cham. ex Steud.
Casuarina equisetifolia L. H. Smith 27 17 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Faatoai Valley 4380430 Casuarina equisetifolia L.
Centotheca lappacea (L.) Desv. H. Smith 28 17 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Faatoai Valley 4310973 Centotheca lappacea (L.) Desv.
Cerbera manghas L. H. Smith 128 25 Jul 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Faateai Valley 4184047 Cerbera manghas L.
Commelina caerulea Salisb. H. Smith 122 25 Jul 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Opunohu Valley 4316012 Commelina caerulea Salisb.
Commersonia tahitensis (Dorr) C.F.Wilkins & Whitlock H. Smith 52 23 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Maramu Valley 04338515 Commersonia tahitensis (Dorr) C.F.Wilkins & Whitlock
Cordyline terminalis (L.) Kunth H. Smith 25 17 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Faatoai Valley 3910488 Cordyline terminalis (L.) Kunth
Cordyline terminalis (L.) Kunth H. Smith 129 25 Jul 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Faatoai Valley 3910489 Cordyline terminalis (L.) Kunth
Crinum asiaticum L. H. Smith 2 14 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Marshy area near… 4363187 Crinum asiaticum L.
Ctenitis sciaphila (Maxon) Ching H. Smith 34 17 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Faatoai Valley 03557038 Ctenitis sciaphila (Maxon) Ching
Ctenopterella blechnoides (Grev.) Parris H. Smith 176 06 Aug 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). District of Afareaitu 03984319 Ctenopterella blechnoides (Grev.) Parris
Cyperus javanicus Houtt. H. Smith 3 14 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Marshy area near… 4330071 Cyperus javanicus Houtt.
Cyperus kyllingia Endl. H. Smith 80 01 Jul 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Orchard across from… 4330127 Cyperus kyllingia Endl.