Displaying 51 - 66 out of 66 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Pennisetum purpureum Schumach. H. Smith 126 25 Jul 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Opunohu Valley 04293761 Pennisetum purpureum Schumach.
Lygodium reticulatum Schkuhr H. Smith 14 15 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Opunohu Valley- Roroie 3891965 Lygodium reticulatum Schkuhr
Schizaea dichotoma (L.) J.Sm. H. Smith 9 15 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Opunohu-Roroie District 3882985 Schizaea dichotoma (L.) J.Sm.
Humata pectinata (Sm.) Desv. H. Smith 10 15 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Opunohu-Roroie District 4162381 Humata pectinata (Sm.) Desv.
Pyrrosia macrocarpa (Willd.) Kaulf. H. Smith 11 15 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Opunohu-Roroie District 03947509 Pyrrosia macrocarpa (Willd.) Kaulf.
Cyperus javanicus Houtt. H. Smith 3 14 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Marshy area near… 4330071 Cyperus javanicus Houtt.
Crinum asiaticum L. H. Smith 2 14 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Marshy area near… 4363187 Crinum asiaticum L.
Hibiscus tiliaceus L. H. Smith 1 14 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Marshy area near… 4334597 Hibiscus tiliaceus L.
Procris pedunculata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Wedd. var. pedunculata H. Smith 61 26 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Area of proposed… 03791013 Procris pedunculata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Wedd. var. pedunculata
Cerbera manghas L. H. Smith 128 25 Jul 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Faateai Valley 4184047 Cerbera manghas L.
Dicranopteris linearis (Burm.f.) Underw. H. Smith 108 19 Jul 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Faatoai Valley 3880306 Dicranopteris linearis (Burm.f.) Underw.
Casuarina equisetifolia L. H. Smith 27 17 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Faatoai Valley 4380430 Casuarina equisetifolia L.
Bolbitis H. Smith 30 17 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Faatoai Valley 4154464 Bolbitis
Centotheca lappacea (L.) Desv. H. Smith 28 17 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Faatoai Valley 4310973 Centotheca lappacea (L.) Desv.
Tricholaena rosea Nees H. Smith 29 17 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Faatoai Valley 4283328 Tricholaena rosea Nees
Ctenitis sciaphila (Maxon) Ching H. Smith 34 17 Jun 1967 French Polynesia Windward Islands Moorea-Maiao (Commune). Faatoai Valley 03557038 Ctenitis sciaphila (Maxon) Ching