Displaying 51 - 75 out of 78 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Disa erubescens Rendle subsp. erubescens B. Bytebier 2512 11 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Iringa, Lusinga, road from… 679727 Disa erubescens Rendle subsp. erubescens
Disa saxicola Schltr. B. Bytebier 2517 14 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Mbeya, Nyalwela, road from… 679714 Disa saxicola Schltr.
Disa robusta N.E.Br. B. Bytebier 2524 14 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Mbeya, Nyalwela, road from… 679717 Disa robusta N.E.Br.
Satyrium neglectum Schltr. subsp. neglectum B. Bytebier 2518 14 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Mbeya, Nyalwela, road from… 679672
Satyrium sceptrum Schltr. B. Bytebier 2515 14 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Mbeya, Nyalwela, road from… 679675 Satyrium sceptrum Schltr.
Satyrium sphaeranthum Schltr. B. Bytebier 2516 14 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Mbeya, Nyalwela, road from… 679676 Satyrium sphaeranthum Schltr.
Holothrix nyasae Rolfe B. Bytebier 2525 14 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Mbeya, Nyalwela, road from… 679708 Holothrix nyasae Rolfe
Habenaria kyimbilae Schltr. B. Bytebier 2519 14 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Mbeya, Nyalwela, road from… 679710 Habenaria kyimbilae Schltr.
Satyrium anomalum Schltr. B. Bytebier 2528 16 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Mbarali, Chimala Escarpment, Road… 679666 Satyrium anomalum Schltr.
Habenaria silvatica Schltr. B. Bytebier 2527 16 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Mbarali, Chimala Escarpment, road… 679678 Habenaria silvatica Schltr.
Holothrix longiflora Rolfe B. Bytebier 2534 16 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Makete, Matamba Plateau, near… 679707 Holothrix longiflora Rolfe
Disa ochrostachya Rchb.f. B. Bytebier 2535 16 Feb 2003 Tanzania District; Makete, Matamba Plateau, Chimala-Matamba… 679722 Disa ochrostachya Rchb.f.
Disa walleri Rchb.f. B. Bytebier 2532 16 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Makete, Matamba Plateau, Top… 679730 Disa walleri Rchb.f.
Habenaria stolzii Schltr. B. Bytebier 2529 16 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Mbarali, Chimala Escarpment, Road… 679679 Habenaria stolzii Schltr.
Disa ornithantha Schltr. B. Bytebier 2536 18 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Njombe, Dansland, Uwemba-Ludewa road… 679719 Disa ornithantha Schltr.
Habenaria welwitschii Rchb.f. B. Bytebier 2540 18 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Njombe, Dansland, Uwemba-Ludewa road… 679681 Habenaria welwitschii Rchb.f.
Satyrium amblyosaccos Schltr. B. Bytebier 2547 19 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Njombe, Njombe, The Dam,… 679665 Satyrium amblyosaccos Schltr.
Satyrium sacculatum (Rendle) Rolfe B. Bytebier 2552 19 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Njombe, Njombe, Mchofi, a… 679673 Satyrium sacculatum (Rendle) Rolfe
Cynorkis anacamptoides Kraenzl. var. anacamptoides B. Bytebier 2545 19 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Njombe, Njombe, The Dam,… 679686 Cynorkis anacamptoides Kraenzl. var. anacamptoides
Eulophia odontoglossa Rchb.f. B. Bytebier 2546 19 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Njombe, Njombe, The Dam,… 679687 Eulophia odontoglossa Rchb.f.
Habenaria cornuta Lindl. B. Bytebier 2549 19 Feb 2003 Tanzania District: Njombe, Njombe, Mchofi, a… 679709 Habenaria cornuta Lindl.
Schizodium satyrioides (L.) Garay B. Bytebier 2559 31 Aug 2003 South Africa Western Cape Tulbaugh. Romansriver. Farm next to… 679664 Schizodium satyrioides (L.) Garay
Pterygodium acutifolium Lindl. B. Bytebier 2578 29 Nov 2003 South Africa Western Cape Oudtshoorn. Swartberg Nature Reserve. Near… 679691 Pterygodium acutifolium Lindl.
Disa bolusiana Schltr. B. Bytebier 2584 29 Nov 2003 South Africa Western Cape Oudtshoorn. Swartberg Nature Reserve. Near… 679701 Disa bolusiana Schltr.
Disa filicornis (L.) Thunb. B. Bytebier 2583 29 Nov 2003 South Africa Western Cape Oudtshoorn. Swartberg Nature Reserve. Near… 679725 Disa filicornis (L.) Thunb.