Displaying 1 - 6 out of 6 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Solanum nitidum Ruiz & Pav. J. Treacy 664 13 Dec 1985 Peru Arequipa Distrito de Coporaque, Valle del… 00724016
Astragalus arequipensis Vogel J. Treacy 649 12 Nov 1985 Peru Arequipa Caylloma Prov. Distrito de Coporaque,… 01267087
Mauritia flexuosa L.f. J. Treacy 483 11/12/81 Peru Loreto Bora Native community of Brillo… 02320956 Mauritia flexuosa L.f.
Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez J. Treacy 289 1/11/81 Peru Loreto Bora Native commuunity of Brillo… paratype 03227726 Dacryodes amplectans Daly & M.C.Martínez
Piper macerispicum Trel. & Yunck. J. Treacy 600 18 Nov 1981 Peru Loreto Bora Native community of Brillo… 4149098 Piper macerispicum Trel. & Yunck.
Piper J. Treacy 312 11 Feb 1981 Peru Loreto Bora Native community of Brillo… 4151659 Piper