Displaying 276 - 300 out of 388 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Polytrichastrum alpinum (Hedw.) G.L.Sm. W. S. Benninghoff 7493 23 Jul 1953 Greenland Nordgronland. Near Narsurssuk 217174
Polytrichastrum alpinum (Hedw.) G.L.Sm. W. S. Benninghoff 7704 01 Aug 1953 Greenland Nordgronland. 217175
Hennediella heimii var. arctica (Lindb.) R.H.Zander W. S. Benninghoff 7293 03 Jul 1953 Greenland 6.0 miles E of Thule 129550
Encalypta rhaptocarpa Schwägr. W. S. Benninghoff 7737 05 Aug 1953 Greenland Thule District; ca. 1 mile… 134629
Dicranum elongatum Schleich. ex Schwägr. W. S. Benninghoff 7540 27 Jul 1953 Greenland Near Nana Beach Camp 109275
Rhytidium rugosum (Ehrh. ex Hedw.) Kindb. W. S. Benninghoff 8554a 02 Aug 1955 Greenland Near old buffalo corral, 2.0… 164589
Pseudo-calliergon brevifolium (Lindb.) Hedenäs W. S. Benninghoff 7493 22 Jul 1953 Greenland Northwest Greenland: near Narsurssuk 220968
Pseudo-calliergon brevifolium (Lindb.) Hedenäs W. S. Benninghoff 7493 22 Jul 1953 Greenland Northwest Greenland: near Narsurssuk 220969
Hypnum callichroum Brid. W. S. Benninghoff 8203 24 Aug 1953 Greenland Thule District 171140
Oncophorus wahlenbergii Brid. W. S. Benninghoff 7858 28 Jul 1953 Greenland 1.0 mile NE of Nana… 123723
Pseudo-calliergon turgescens (T.Jensen) Loeske W. S. Benninghoff 7226 01 Jul 1953 Greenland Thule District: S. River Valley 221265
Hydrogrimmia mollis (Bruch & Schimp.) Loeske W. S. Benninghoff 8026 09 Aug 1953 Greenland Northwestern Greenland: from brook &… 142691
Philonotis fontana (Hedw.) Brid. W. S. Benninghoff 7715 01 Aug 1953 Greenland Brook near N side of… 156543
Dicranoweisia crispula (Hedw.) Milde W. S. Benninghoff 7696 31 Jul 1954 Greenland 96959
Bryum calophyllum R.Br. W. S. Benninghoff 8027 09 Aug 1953 Greenland Thule District, Northwestern Greenland. Near… 75380
Bryum calophyllum R.Br. W. S. Benninghoff 8026 09 Aug 1953 Greenland Thule District, Northwestern Greenland. At… 75386
Distichium capillaceum (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. W. S. Benninghoff 7865 07 Aug 1953 Greenland Northwestern Greenland, Thule District 121165
Distichium capillaceum (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. W. S. Benninghoff 7073 Greenland Northwestern Greenland, Thule District; Mountain… 121166
Warnstorfia exannulata (Schimp.) Loeske W. S. Benninghoff 7034 Greenland Thule district, Northwest Greenland. Thule 100573
Aplodon wormskjoldii (Hornem.) Kindb. W. S. Benninghoff 7412 16 Jul 1953 Greenland Thule District, Fox R. valley… 649880
Aplodon wormskjoldii (Hornem.) Kindb. W. S. Benninghoff 8246 21 Jul 1953 Greenland Thule District, NE of "Fox… 649882
Schistidium andreaeopsis (Müll.Hal.) Laz. W. S. Benninghoff 7493 22 Jul 1953 Greenland Near Narsurssuk 143480
Dicranum undulatum Schrad. ex Brid. W. S. Benninghoff 8993e 21 Aug 1955 Greenland E side of Richardson Highway… 121575
Ditrichum flexicaule (Schwägr.) Hampe W. S. Benninghoff 8124 13 Aug 1953 Greenland E of Lake Camp, Thule… 124919
Ditrichum flexicaule (Schwägr.) Hampe W. S. Benninghoff 8124 13 Aug 1953 Greenland E of Lake Camp, Thule… 124921