Displaying 46 - 70 out of 2088 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Dicranum scoparium Hedw. W. A. Kellerman 150 22 Jul 1893 United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. 338529
Atrichum undulatum (Hedw.) P.Beauv. W. A. Kellerman 161 28 Oct 1882 United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. 423401
Platygyrium repens (Brid.) Schimp. W. A. Kellerman 164 28 Oct 1882 United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. Amanda 289327
Mycosphaerella gaultheriae (Cooke & Ellis) House W. A. Kellerman 165 05 Oct 1882 United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. 270454
Anomodon viticulosus (Hedw.) Hook. & Taylor W. A. Kellerman 165 28 Oct 1882 United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. 523525
Entodon seductrix (Hedw.) Müll.Hal. W. A. Kellerman 166 28 Oct 1882 United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. 512325
Pylaisia intricata (Hedw.) Schimp. W. A. Kellerman 168 28 Oct 1888 United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. Amanda 665285
Porella pinnata L. W. A. Kellerman 181 10 Nov 1888 United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. 248484
Plagiomnium cuspidatum (Hedw.) T.J.Kop. W. A. Kellerman 182 26 May 1882 United States of America Kentucky Lexington; see specnotes 395628
Orthotrichum ohioense Sull. & Lesq. W. A. Kellerman 183 10 Mar 1882 United States of America Kentucky Fayette Co. 453716
Erysiphe polygoni DC. W. A. Kellerman 183 24 Jul 1902 United States of America Ohio Jefferson Co. 2939858 Erysiphe polygoni DC.
Conocephalum salebrosum Szweyk., Buczkowska & Odrzykoski W. A. Kellerman 187 17 May 1873 United States of America New York Tompkins Co. 265076
Forsstroemia trichomitria (Hedw.) Lindb. W. A. Kellerman 191 United States of America New York Tompkins Co. 108356
Plagiomnium cuspidatum (Hedw.) T.J.Kop. W. A. Kellerman 198 Apr United States of America Wisconsin Winnebago Co. 395426
Sphaerella sassafras Ellis & Everh. W. A. Kellerman 230 May 1883 United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. probable holotype 00875053 Sphaerella sassafras Ellis & Everh.
Septoria lophanthi Ellis W. A. Kellerman 248 May 1883 United States of America Ohio Original material 00838480 Septoria lophanthi Ellis
Sphaerella polystigma Ellis & Everh. W. A. Kellerman 257 May 1883 United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. holotype 00738395 Sphaerella polystigma Ellis & Everh.
Pestalotia pallida Ellis & G.Martin W. A. Kellerman 258 Jun 1883 United States of America Ohio type 01167929 Pestalotia pallida Ellis & G.Martin
Pestalotia uncinata Ellis & Kellerm. W. A. Kellerman 269 type 256406 Pestalotia uncinata Ellis & Kellerm.
Entodon seductrix (Hedw.) Müll.Hal. W. A. Kellerman 274 25 Dec 1891 United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. 512324
Aleurodiscus candidus (Schwein.:Fr.) Burt W. A. Kellerman 284 Jun 1883 United States of America Ohio 1986401 Aleurodiscus candidus (Schwein.:Fr.) Burt
Puccinia extensicola Plowr. W. A. Kellerman 306 30 May 1883 United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. Lancaster. 3400279 Puccinia extensicola Plowr.
Phyllosticta decidua Ellis & Kellerm. W. A. Kellerman 307 Jun 1883 United States of America Ohio Fairfield syntype 00928996 Phyllosticta decidua Ellis & Kellerm.
Phyllosticta lycii Ellis & Kellerm. W. A. Kellerman 342 Jun 1883 United States of America Ohio syntype 00928776 Phyllosticta lycii Ellis & Kellerm.
Phyllosticta decidua Ellis & Kellerm. W. A. Kellerman 346 Jun 1883 United States of America Ohio Fairfield Co. syntype 01097346 Phyllosticta decidua Ellis & Kellerm.