Displaying 1 - 24 out of 24 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Sarcomphalus crenatus Urb. W. Buch 592 04 Jun 1901 Haiti Artibonite Prope Dubedon. syntype 8191 Sarcomphalus crenatus Urb.
Baccharis haitiensis Heering W. Buch s.n. s.d. Haiti Artibonite Terre-Neuve, near Gonaïves 1627711 Baccharis haitiensis Heering
Dendrocereus undulosus (DC.) Britton & Rose W. Buch 1924 Haiti Nord-Ouest Between Port-de-Paix and Moustique. 03305543 Dendrocereus undulosus (DC.) Britton & Rose
Anastraphia buchii Urb. W. Buch 1017 Nov 1905 Haiti Prope Post Coudan lectotype 115486 Anastraphia buchii Urb.
Spondias brunea Urb. W. Buch 615 May 1901 Haiti In Morne La Tierre isotype 50952 Spondias brunea Urb.
Mimosa mornicola Urb. W. Buch 685 Jun 1901 Haiti Morne Bonpére. Alt. 600 m. holotype fragment 2643 Mimosa mornicola Urb.
Coccoloba incrassata Urb. W. Buch 1269 Jul 1908 Haiti Prope Pendu type fragment 73609 Coccoloba incrassata Urb.
Phyllanthus buchii Urb. W. Buch 251 1901 Haiti Prope Ennery type fragment 83585 Phyllanthus buchii Urb.
Lippia flavida Urb. W. Buch 394 Jun 1900 Haiti Prope Ennery locis siccis isotype 111298 Lippia flavida Urb.
Tecoma buchii Urb. W. Buch 612 May 1901 Haiti In Morne La Pierre. [Protologue… type fragment 114914 Tecoma buchii Urb.
Ipomoea nematoloba Urb. W. Buch 587 Jan 1901 Haiti Prope Gonaives in Monte Bienac. isotype 111088 Ipomoea nematoloba Urb.
Tabebuia obovata Urb. W. Buch 710 s.d. Haiti Morne Bonpère type fragment 111498 Tabebuia obovata Urb.
Lonchocarpus neurophyllus Urb. W. Buch 405 Sep 1900 Haiti Prope Sonaives[?] isotype fragment 15722 Lonchocarpus neurophyllus Urb.
Serjania cuneolata Radlk. W. Buch 105 26 jun 1899 Haiti . Mont soleil. 1308129 Serjania cuneolata Radlk.
Mimosa extranea Benth. W. Buch 178 1900 Haiti At Billoro 01452262 Mimosa extranea Benth.
Erythrina buchii Urb. W. Buch 957 s.d. Haiti [From protologue: "Hab. in Haiti… isotype 1546520 Erythrina buchii Urb.
Mascagnia buchii Urb. & Nied. W. Buch 314 Jul 1900 Haiti Prope Poteau [from protologue" Haiti,… lectotype 02331698 Mascagnia buchii Urb. & Nied.
Croton vaillantii Geiseler W. Buch 1254 jul 1908 Haiti Haïti prope, Port e Paix 1426618 Croton vaillantii Geiseler
Dendrocereus undulosus (DC.) Britton & Rose W. Buch 1924 Haiti Roche-à-Bateaux 03305542 Dendrocereus undulosus (DC.) Britton & Rose
Salvia selleana Urb. W. Buch 1145 Jan 1913 Haiti In Morne la Selle. lectotype 00000249 Salvia selleana Urb.
Epiphyllum oxypetalum (DC.) Haw. W. Buch Sep 1931 Haiti Port-au-Prince (Cultivated). 3859149 Epiphyllum oxypetalum (DC.) Haw.
Gilibertia brachypoda Urb. W. Buch 973 Oct 1903 Haiti Prope Kenskoff type fragment 99779 Gilibertia brachypoda Urb.
Tecoma acrophylla Urb. W. Buch 349 May 1900 Haiti Prope Bilboro [modern orthography Puilboro… type fragment 114909 Tecoma acrophylla Urb.
Alvaradoa haitiensis Urb. W. Buch 594 s.d. Haiti type 05123117 Alvaradoa haitiensis Urb.