Displaying 1 - 25 out of 373 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Lycium andersonii A.Gray T. L. Wendt 1008 23 May 1975 United States of America Arizona Mohave Co. By side of… 1424600 Lycium andersonii A.Gray
Lycium exsertum A.Gray T. L. Wendt 996 22 May 1975 United States of America Arizona Mohave Co. Goldroad mines, ca.… 1411633 Lycium exsertum A.Gray
Lycium pallidum Miers var. pallidum T. L. Wendt 1527 20 May 1976 United States of America Arizona Mohave Co. Hualapai Indian Reservation:… 1411784 Lycium pallidum Miers var. pallidum
Cavendishia laurifolia (Klotzsch) Benth. & Hook.f. T. L. Wendt 2408 02 Dec 1979 Mexico Chiapas La Trinitaria Mun. ca km… 2493623 Cavendishia laurifolia (Klotzsch) Benth. & Hook.f.
Equisetum myriochaetum Schltdl. & Cham. T. L. Wendt 2307 01 Dec 1979 Mexico Chiapas Palenque Mun. 12.4 Km. al… 3845938 Equisetum myriochaetum Schltdl. & Cham.
Acalypha macrostachya Jacq. T. L. Wendt 2441 15 Dec 1979 Mexico Chiapas Las Margaritas Mun. km 31-32… 3906550 Acalypha macrostachya Jacq.
Solanum torvum Sw. T. L. Wendt 2292 01 Dec 1979 Mexico Chiapas Palenque Mun. 12.4 Km. al… 00745507 Solanum torvum Sw.
Mimosa rupertiana B.L.Turner T. L. Wendt 9927 28 Oct 1972 Mexico Chihuahua Area of high sand dunes… 551332 Mimosa rupertiana B.L.Turner
Psathyrotes scaposa A.Gray T. L. Wendt 9907 26 Oct 1972 Mexico Chihuahua 5 km E. of Rancho… 426568 Psathyrotes scaposa A.Gray
Bouteloua hirsuta var. glandulosa (Cerv.) Gould T. L. Wendt 9831 22 Oct 1972 Mexico Chihuahua Gentle slopes of Sierra de… 1630657 Bouteloua hirsuta var. glandulosa (Cerv.) Gould
Aristida divaricata Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. T. L. Wendt 9842 22 Oct 1972 Mexico Chihuahua 21 km. SW of Coyame… 1558840 Aristida divaricata Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
Bromus frondosus (Shear) Wooton & Standl. T. L. Wendt 9949 29 Oct. 72 Mexico Chihuahua SW slope of SIeera de… 1645062 Bromus frondosus (Shear) Wooton & Standl.
Muhlenbergia pauciflora Buckley T. L. Wendt 9885 25 Oct 72 Mexico Chihuahua Sierra del Pulpito 11.5 km… 1760710 Muhlenbergia pauciflora Buckley
Muhlenbergia tenuifolia (Kunth) Kunth T. L. Wendt 9944 29 Oct 1972 Mexico Chihuahua SW slope of Sierra de… 1756571 Muhlenbergia tenuifolia (Kunth) Kunth
Croton texensis (Klotzsch) Müll.Arg. T. L. Wendt 9922A 28 Oct 1972 Mexico Chihuahua Area of high sand dunes… 3978123 Croton texensis (Klotzsch) Müll.Arg.
Euphorbia arizonica Engelm. T. L. Wendt 9800 21 Oct 1972 Mexico Chihuahua N end on E side… 4020255 Euphorbia arizonica Engelm.
Euphorbia arizonica Engelm. T. L. Wendt 9952 29 Oct 1972 Mexico Chihuahua SW slope of Sierra de… 4020257 Euphorbia arizonica Engelm.
Euphorbia exstipulata Engelm. T. L. Wendt 9951 29 Oct 1972 Mexico Chihuahua SW slope of Sierra de… 4020892 Euphorbia exstipulata Engelm.
Euphorbia parryi Engelm. T. L. Wendt 9920 28 Oct 1972 Mexico Chihuahua Area of high sand dunes… 4022206 Euphorbia parryi Engelm.
Euphorbia radioloides Boiss. T. L. Wendt 9953 29 Oct 1972 Mexico Chihuahua SW slope of Sierra al… 4028955 Euphorbia radioloides Boiss.
Euphorbia stictospora Engelm. T. L. Wendt 9811 22 Oct 1972 Mexico Chihuahua E base of N end… 4029043 Euphorbia stictospora Engelm.
Euphorbia theriaca L.C.Wheeler T. L. Wendt 9694 04 Oct 1972 Mexico Chihuahua 14 km E of Alamo… 4029129 Euphorbia theriaca L.C.Wheeler
Euphorbia theriaca L.C.Wheeler T. L. Wendt 9812 22 Oct 1972 Mexico Chihuahua E base of N end… 4029132 Euphorbia theriaca L.C.Wheeler
Amsonia palmeri A.Gray T. L. Wendt 9908 26 Oct 1972 Mexico Chihuahua 5 km E of Rancho… 04173475 Amsonia palmeri A.Gray
Asclepias macroura A.Gray T. L. Wendt 9884 25 Oct 1972 Mexico Chihuahua Sierra del Púlpito 11.5 km… 04176160 Asclepias macroura A.Gray