Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) Vahl

  • Filed As

    Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) Vahl

  • Collector(s)

    E. D. Merrill 393, Oct 1914

  • Location

    Philippines. Bulacan. Luzon, Obando.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 5102752

    Occurrence ID: dabd90c0-a262-44a3-a9ce-f4a51d38f936

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Hydrolea arayatensis Blanco FI. Filip, (1837) 211 (sp. nov.) = HYDROLEA
ZEYLANICA (Linn.) Vahl; Blanco op. cit. ed. 2 (1845) 148 (zeila-
ntca); ed. 3, T (1877) 266.
Mama jamaicensis Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 211: ed. 2 (18451 148* q
| (1877) 266, non Linn. =:HYDROLEA ZEYLANICA (Limn) VaW.’.
The species that Blanco described as new,	wraydt-
enms, in the first edition of his Flora de Elipinas, he correctly
reduced m the second edition to H. zeylaMca (L.) Vahl The
species is widely distributed in the Philippines at low and
medium altitudes, growing in open wet flaces; it is of rather
ipcal occurrence in the Archipelago. Ferhandez-Villar made no
attempt to reduce Namd jamaicensis, but;after a careful study of
Blanco’s description I am of the opinion that the specimen he
described was the dwarfed form of Hydrolea zeylanica that is
^0S°r less characteristic of drying oft pools and old rice pad-
ies* - can suggest no other reduction of Nama jamaicensis
Blapeo, and his description, for .the most part, conforms ;to this
particular form of Vahl’s species. It, was observed by him in
February, which conforms to the time that the dwarfed form of
Hydrolea zeylanica Vahl is found.
Illustrative specimen from Obando,|Bulacan Province, Luzon,
October, 1914 (Merrill: Species Blandpanae No. 393).
Herbarium of the University of Alabama
Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) Vahl
det. l. J. Davenport
| M EJHi I L L. ?
Hydrolea «eylaniea (Linn*)
Vahl; Bianoo
Hydrolea arayatensis Bianoo
Hama jamaioensis Bianoo,
non Linn*