E. D. Merrill
Elmer Drew Merrill
15 Oct 1876 - 25 Feb 1956
Algae, Bryophytes, Mycology, Pteridophytes, Spermatophytes, Lichens
Author, Collector, Determiner
Movement Details
Philippines, Malaysia, China (Kwangtung), New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, United States of America, Wyoming, Idaho
Author Notes: Philippine Islands Plants
Collector Notes: Bureau of Science, Philippines; New York Botanical Garden; Arnold Arboretum; collections widely distributed, orig. collections A, NY (ca. 23,000), PNH (destroyed), UC (11,000); NEBC
Reference: Arundinella pubescens Merr. & Hack.; Authors of Plant Names. 1992; Authors of Plant Names. 1994; Bidens biternata (Lour.) Merr. & Sherff; Bouteloua repens (H.B.K.) Scribn. & Merr.; Carex rhynchachaenium, Isotype NY bar-code 11583; Index Herbariorum - Collectors M; NEBC Card File; isotype of Mucuna platyplekta (NYpc #26444); Elymus parishii Burtt Davy & Merr.; isotype of Ormosia microphylla (NYpc #26528); Mathaea pubescens, NY bar-code 320763; NY barcode 103964, Callicarpa basitruncata; NY barcode 104011, Callicarpa eucaudata; NY barcode 353703, Adinandra filipes; NYBG barcode #512858; Rhododendron williamsii, Isotype NY bar-code 10401; Stipa occidentalis var. montana Merr. & Burtt Davy; Uvaria pachychilia Merr. ex Ast (NY 59984) -