Parashorea malaanonan (Blanco) Merr.

  • Filed As

    Parashorea malaanonan (Blanco) Merr.

  • Collector(s)

    E. D. Merrill 1053, 20 Jun 1914

  • Location

    Philippines. Laguna. Luzon, Mount Maquiling.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 5003231

    Occurrence ID: d63f2105-1a13-4301-8abc-5f0c781d2f80

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  • Locality

    Luzon, Mount Maquiling

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Mocanera ma,aanonan	S'Sr^L
MALAANONAN (B.a-O) comb. nov.
, (Parashorea plicata Brandis, Shorea malaanonan Blume).	^
- Fernandez-Villar enumerated this under Blume’s name Shorea
malcmwnan (Blanco) Blume, but no attempt wasma e o re e
botanical material to the species until Mr. Rolfe and myse ^
interpreted the species as being the same as Shorea polita Vidal,
see Philip. Journ. Sci. 3 (1908) Bot. 115. I am now convinced
that this interpretation was erroneous; that Shorea polita is a
yalid species entirely distinct from Mocanera malaanonan Blanco;
and that Blanco’s species is identical with the common and
widely distributed Philippine Parashorea plicata Brandis,
Among all the Philippine Dipterocarpaceae, Parashorea plicata
Brandis is the only one that agrees with Blanco’s description
in the characters of the leaves, whitish beneath, which are
further described as wide, pointed, and a “geme” (i. e., 15 to
18 cm) long, while the pericarp of the fruit is described as
fragile. The description conforms to Parashorea plicata, and
I have not the slightest hesitation in adjusting the synonymy.
The native name cited by Blanco, inalaanonan, is valueless In
interpreting the species, as it is a made up one, literally false
anonang,” anonang—Cordia myxa Linn., and, as used to-day, is,
very loosely applied, although I have specimens of Parashorea
plicata Brandis from Laguna Province, Luzon, bearing this name.
Illustrative specimen from Mount Maquiling, Laguna Province,
Luzon, comm. N. Catalan, June 20, 1914, with the Tagalog name
. rrmlaanonang (Merrill: Species Blancoanae No. 1053).
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hlancoanae MCI#
X0f>3* Barashorea malaanonan {
Mocanera4malaanoaan Blanco
BipteroGarpns mlaanonaa Blanco
Shorea malaanonan Blms©
Parashorea plicata Brandis