Aglaia tomentosa Teijsm. & Binn.

  • Filed As

    Aglaia tomentosa Teijsm. & Binn.

  • Collector(s)

    E. D. Merrill 1055, 23 Dec 1916

  • Location

    Philippines. Quezon. Alabat Island.

  • Collection Notes

    ["Merrill: Species Blancoanae"]

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4421475

    Occurrence ID: d311fe07-01b0-450f-8c06-cc24a83dd792

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  • Region


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  • Locality

    Alabat Island

  • Location Notes

    [Pacifica]. [Province/State not specified as such on label, but inferred from locality data]

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Argophilum pinnatum Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 186 (sp. nov.) ; ed. 2 (1845)
181; ed. 3, 1 (1877) 235=AGLAIA PINNATA (Blanco) comb. nov.
(Aglaia glomerata Merr.!).
Fernandez-Villar reduced this to Aglaia angustifolia Miq., in
which he was correct as to the genus, but manifestly wrong as
to the species, for Miquel’s species does not extend to the Phil-
ippines, nor does Blanco’s description agree with it. The char-
acters assigned by Blanco to Argophilum pinnatum conform
entirely to those of Aglaia glomerata Merr., a species strongly
marked and one that is widely distributed in the Philippines,
but which is perhaps not specifically distinct from Aglaia palemr.
banica. Miq. Other very closely allied forms are Aglaia har-,
rndê&ima Pierre and A. cor data Hiern; in any case, however,
Blanco’s specific name is much the older.
Illustrative specimen from Alabat Island, December 23, 1916:
{bteyriil: Species Blancoanae No. 1055).
The New York Botanical Garden
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1066. Aglaia pinnate (Blanoo) Kerr. !
Argophllcm pinatjjft» 8l*»oo.
AglAia glcite rate l*rr,
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