Allium tuberosum Rottler ex Spreng.

  • Filed As

    Allium tuberosum Rottler ex Spreng.

  • Collector(s)

    E. D. Merrill 1021, s.d.

  • Location

    Philippines. Manila, Luzon.

  • Description

    Flowering in June and July.

  • Collection Notes

    "from Chinese vegetable gardens"

  • Specimen Notes

    [Record databased by volunteers in the DIGIVOL Crowdsourcing Platform. Imported to NYBG database in 2024.]

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 04363151

    Occurrence ID: 85e97595-b120-4454-8b36-940d5b417c8e

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

ALLIUM Linnaeus
Allium tricoccum Blanco FI Filip. (1837) 239; ed. 2 (1845) 167; ed. 3,
1 (1877) 301, t. 87, non Ait.=ALLIUM TUBEROSUM Roxb.
Naves reduced this to AUium uliginosum Don, which is sup-
posed to be a synonym of A. tuberosum Roxb., which in turn was
described from specimens grown at Calcutta. The plant is com-
monly cultivated by Chinese gardeners in Manila as a vegetable,
being especially used for flavoring soups, etc. It is universally
known as cuchai, a name derived from the Cantonese Jcau phoy,
indicating that the plant itself was introduced into the Phil*
ipmfies by the Chinese. It rarely produces flowers ih Maftild*
It may not be distinct from Allium porrum Linn.
Illustrative specimen from Manila, Lukoil, from Chines#
vegetable gardens, flowering in June and July (Merrill: Species
Blancoanae No. 1021).
ME Hflt t L L :
1ft AH COA HA Jt
Allittia tuberosum
Allium tricocoua
»on Ait.