Vitex trifolia L. subsp. trifolia

  • Filed As

    Vitex trifolia L. subsp. trifolia

  • Collector(s)

    E. D. Merrill 440, Jan 1914

  • Location

    Philippines. Rizal. Antipolo, Luzon.

  • Specimen Notes

    [Record databased by volunteers in the DIGIVOL Crowdsourcing Platform. Imported to NYBG database in 2024.]

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4219160

    Occurrence ID: d86212a5-1a7a-4a0a-9029-63c9b63abe4f

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iJts ulancüahae na
440. Vitex negtmdo Linn.
Vitex leucoxylon Blanoo
non £lit&»
Vitex leucoxylon Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 516 (leucoxilon); ed. 2 (1845)
359; ed. 3, 2 (1878) 300, t. 228, non Linn.=V1TEX NEGUNDO Linn.
Vitex negundo Linn, is common and widely distributed in th$
i^iMjSpmes at low and medium altitudes, probably introduced.
IsianCd’s Vitex leucoxylon is, in part only, referable here. His
description applies unmistakably to two different species, the
“arbolillos” from Mandaloyon and Pangasinan (V. negundo),
and the. tree growing in the forests which is probably Vitex ‘par*
viflora Juss. (V. littoralis Decne.); the native name lagundi
goes with the former, and the name molavin with the latter.
Illustrative specimen from Antipolo, Rizal Province, Luzon,
January, 1914 (Merrill: Species Blancoanae No. 440).
Vitex trifolia ssp. trifolia
Det. R.PJ. de Kok
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Vitex negundo var« philippinanaia
Identified by H. N. Moldenke
January 1978