Alchornea rugosa (Lour.) Müll.Arg.

  • Filed As

    Alchornea rugosa (Lour.) Müll.Arg.

  • Collector(s)

    E. D. Merrill 725, Dec 1914

  • Location

    Philippines. Rizal. Montalban, Luzon.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3926919

    Occurrence ID: c0082fa1-d960-4489-b245-b3ef505a6fe5

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Adelia glandulosa Blanco FI. Filip. (1837) 814 (sp. nov.) = ALCHORNEA
RUGOSA (Lour.) Muell.-Arg. (A. javensis Muell.-Arg.).
Tragia innocua Blanco FI. Filip, ed. 2 (1845) 479; ed. 3, 3 (1879) 94, non
Linn.=ALCHORNEA RUGOSA (Lour.) Muell.-Arg.
Adelia glandviosa Blanco is not included in the second or in
the third editions of the Flora de Filipinas, but in thé Novissima
. Appendix it is reduced by Fernandez-Villar to Alchornea javensis
Muell.-Arg.=A. rugosa Muell.-Arg. The entire description con-
sists of.% single line: “Hojas con cuatro glandulas en la parte
superior,” with the additional statement that it is a shrub from
Santa Maria, Ilocos, the leaves being used as a remedy for
rheumatism» Correspondence sent to the municipal authorities
of Santa Maria regarding this plant elicited no answer. Alchor-
nea rugosa is common and widely distributed at low and medium
altitudes in the Philippines, and the correctness of Fernandez-
.Villar’s réduction of Blanco’s Adelia glandulosa is at least reason-
ably certain. Blanco’s description of Tragia innocim &nf&xxap
absolutely with Mueller’s species, which he otherwise described
as Adelia glandulosa. Fernandez-Villar was wrong in reducing
it to Alchornea villosa Muell.-Arg., a species that does not extend
to the Philippines.
Illustrative specimen from Montalban, Rizal Province, Luzon,
December, 1914 (Merrill: Species Blancoanae No. 725).
7B5. Alchornea rugosa (Lour.)
Muell. ~Arg.
Adelia glandulosa Blanco
Tragia innocua Blanco, non
Alchornea javensis Muell.-Arg.
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