Satyria panurensis (Benth. ex Meisn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Nied.

  • Filed As

    Satyria panurensis (Benth. ex Meisn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Nied.

  • Collector(s)

    W. Morawetz 11-23888 with and B. Wallnöfer, 23 Aug 1988

  • Location

    Peru. Huánuco. Pachitea Prov. Region of Pucallpa. Western part of the "Sira Mountains" and adjacent lowland; from ca 20 km to ca 24 km SE of Puerto Inca, crest of the mountain range going W to E from the "Campamento Oro" to the "Campmento Sira" and continuing to NNE to the beginning of the cloud forest, next to the Campamento "Pato Rojo".

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2644351

    Occurrence ID: 95eab87e-53e9-4413-93b6-54180eb30f30

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Pachitea Prov.

  • Locality

    Region of Pucallpa. Western part of the "Sira Mountains" and adjacent lowland; from ca 20 km to ca 24 km SE of Puerto Inca, crest of the mountain range going W to E from the "Campamento Oro" to the "Campmento Sira" and continuing to NNE to the beginning of the cloud forest, next to the Campamento "Pato Rojo".

  • Elevation

    Alt. 360 - 1080 m. (1181 - 3543 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    -9.467, -74.794

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Austrian-Peruvian Sira Expedition 1987/1988; field work directed by W.Morawetz. For geographical and other
details see MORAWETZ & al. (1990): Plant Syst. Evol.
Satyria panurensis (Bentham ex Meissner)
Bentham & Hooker f. ex Niedenzu
det. E. Ann Powell, 2005
Wake Forest University (WFU), USA
The New York Botanical Garden
Satyria panurensis (Benth.) Benth. & Hook.
det. lames L. Luteyn	19 fO
Flora of Peru	Ericaceae
Dept. Huanuco, Prov. Pachitea, region of Pucallpa, western part of the "Sira mountains''
and adjacent lowland; from c. 20 km to 24 km SE of Puerto Inca, crest of the mountain
range going west to east from the "Campamento Oro" (9°29’ S, 74°50’ W; 360 msm) to the
"Campamento Sira" (9°2S’ S, 74°4T W; 800 msm) and continuing to NNE to the beginning
of the cloud forest at 1050 msm, next to the Campamento "Pato rojo" (9°2T S, 74 46’ W;
1080 msm). «*» Primary mountain rain forest, having some species and features of the
lowland rain forest. Soils: Brown and red latosols with rocky outcrops.
Climber with red calyces; this plant at 800 msm.
leg: W.Morawetz & B.Wallnofer. Na 11-23888 date: 23August 1988