Datura stramonium L.

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    Datura stramonium L.

The Flora and Ethnobotany of Cat Island, Bahamas
Willard Sherman Turrell Herbarium (MU)
Species	Datura stramonium	Au: L.
Family	Solanaceae
Common Name Ammonia, Anamona
Description	Herby shrub with white flowers and prickly fruits. Vegetation
with a rank odor.
Location/Habitat Devil's Point settlement, at the junction of the main road and the drive that
goes up to the Ocean View restaurant and bar. Disturbed roadside
overgrown grassy area.
Latitude	24°07’ 70” N	Longitude 75°27’ 09” W
Uses/Comments A leaf is heated and placed on a boil, along with "grease" to bring the boil
to head.
Collector(s)	Laurel Richey and Ethan Freid
Collection No 00-882 Duplicates 5 Date July 21,2000
Plants Dried Using a Kerosene Heater
Vouchers for Laurel Richey's PhD Dissertation