Digitaria cognata (Schult.) Pilg.

  • Filed As

    Digitaria cognata (Schult.) Pilg.

  • Collector(s)

    M. L. Fernald 517 with Griscom, L., 27 Aug 1931

  • Location

    United States of America. New Hampshire. Forming dense tussocks. Associated with Eragrostis pectinacea. Dry sand and granitic gravel of lower terrace of the Merrimack River, Moore's Crossing, Bedford.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 1695512

    Occurrence ID: e467d6a7-5fe8-400b-b9f1-2a077dd615d9

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  • Region

    North America

  • Country

    United States of America

  • State/Province

    New Hampshire

  • Locality

    Forming dense tussocks. Associated with Eragrostis pectinacea. Dry sand and granitic gravel of lower terrace of the Merrimack River, Moore's Crossing, Bedford.

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Digitaria cognata (Schult.) Pilger
subsp. cognata
Det. by: J. K. YVipff	March 1988
517. Leploloma cognatum (Schult.) Chase
In Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. xix. 192 (1906); Hitchc. in
Gray, Man. ed. 7, 96 (1908) and Man. Grass. U. S. 563,
879, fig. 1178 (1935). Nash in N. Am. FI. xvii. 155
(1912) and in Britton & Brown, 111. FI. ed. 2, i. 124, fig.
284 (1913); Small, Man. 52 (1933).
Syn. ? Panicum nudum Walt. FI. Car. 73 (1788). P.
divergent Muhl. Descr. Gram. 120 (1817), non HBK.
(1815). P. cognatum Schult. Mant. ii. 235 (1824). P.
autumnale Bose in Spreng. Syst. Veg. i. 320 (1825);
Gray, Man. ed. 2, 578 (1856); Beal, Grass. No. Am. ii.
122 (1896); Nash in Britton & Brown, 111. FI. i. 124, fig.
276 (1896). P. fragile Kunth, Rev. Gram. i. 36 (1829).
Forming dense tussocks. Associated with Eragrostis pectinacea.
Dry sand and granitic gravel of the lower terrace of
the Merrimack River, Moore’s Crossing, Bedford, New
Coll. M. L. Fernald, L. Griscom. August 27, 1931.