M. L. Fernald

  • Name

    Merritt L. Fernald

  • Dates

    1873 - 1950

  • Specialities

    Algae, Pteridophytes, Spermatophytes, Flora of eastern North America (SE Canada and NE U.S.)

  • Roles

    Author, Determiner, Collector

  • Movement Details

    United States of America, Canada, Maine, Virginia, Massachusetts

  • Notes

    Author Notes: GH, NEBC, duplicates widely distributed
    Determiner Notes: duplicates widely distributed
    Collector Notes: GH, NEBC, duplicates widely distributed
    Reference: Authors of Plant Names. 1992; Authors of Plant Names; NY barcode 185331, Draba pycnosperma; NY barcode 186139, Parnassia montanensis; Picea glauca fm. parva (Vict.) Fernald & Weath.; Psilocarya scirpoides var. grimesii, type NY bar-code 51349; Rhodora 53: 32-65. 1951; Rhynchospora cephalantha A. Gray var. pleiocephala, Type NY bar-code 51375; Thermopsis villosa (Walter) Fernald & B. G. Schubert

    Long time staff member, Gray Herbarium of Harvard University/
    USA: Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Virginia,
    Canada- Labrador, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Islands, Quebec

  • Collections

    Botanical Collections