Displaying 151 - 175 out of 204 Object(s)

Person Research Pursuits
Francis W. Pennell Spermatophytes; Scrophulariaceae
Ann P. Pinzl Spermatophytes
Ghillean T. Prance Spermatophytes; Chrysobalanaceae; Bryophytes; Lichens
Cyrus G. Pringle Algae; Bryophytes; Mycology; Spermatophytes
Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. Bryophytes; Spermatophytes
Clyde F. Reed Algae; Bryophytes; Pteridophytes; Spermatophytes; Lichens
Padre Raulino Reitz Spermatophytes
Ludwig Riedel Spermatophytes
Joseph N. Rose Algae; Bryophytes; Cactaceae; Ferns; Fungi; Spermatophytes
Henry H. Rusby Algae; Spermatophytes; Bryophytes; Lichens
Per Axel Rydberg Algae; Bryophytes; Mycology; Phanerogams; Pteridophytes; Spermatophytes
Sergio C. de Sant'Ana Spermatophytes
Henry P. Sartwell Spermatophytes; Cyperaceae; Bryophytes; Algae; Characeae
Arthur C. V. Schott Algae; Bryophytes; Spermatophytes
George W. Scotter Spermatophytes; Bryophytes; Lichens
John A. Shafer Algae; Pteridophytes; Spermatophytes; Mycology; Bryophytes
Aaron J. Sharp Algae; Bryophytes; Mycology; Spermatophytes
Carleton A. Shurtleff Spermatophytes
Marcos Silveira Spermatophytes; Ecology of arborescent bamboos; systematic botany, plant ecology; flora of Southwestern Amazonia
John Kunkel Small Algae; Bryophytes; Pteridophytes; Spermatophytes; Lichens
Lyman B. Smith Spermatophytes; Pteridophytes; Lichens
Herbert H. Smith Spermatophytes; Bryophytes; Lichens
Albert C. Smith Algae; Spermatophytes; Pteridophytes; Bryophytes; Lichens
Richard Spruce Bryophytes; Pteridophytes; Spermatophytes; Lichens
Howard Stansbury Spermatophytes