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Displaying 1 - 25 out of 51 records

Title Author(s) Date Keywords
Vanishing Lakes Matthew C. Pace Apr 14 2023 American West, Climate change Vanishing Lakes
Vanishing Lakes: Tulare Lake Matthew C. Pace Apr 14 2023 American West, Climate change Vanishing Lakes: Tulare Lake
Vanishing Lakes: Owens Lake Matthew C. Pace Apr 14 2023 American West, Climate change Vanishing Lakes: Owens Lake
Vanishing Lakes: Salton Sea Matthew C. Pace Apr 14 2023 American West, Climate change Vanishing Lakes: Salton Sea
Vanishing Lakes: Great Salt Lake Matthew C. Pace Apr 14 2023 American West, Climate change Vanishing Lakes: Great Salt Lake
Vanishing Lakes: Lake Poopó Matthew C. Pace Apr 14 2023 Climate change Vanishing Lakes: Lake Poopó
Fungi of Australia Laura Briscoe, Roy E. Halling Feb 5 2020 Fungi, Endangered species, Climate change Fungi of Australia
Alpine Invaders Charles J. Zimmerman Sep 27 2019 Climate change, Invasive species Alpine Invaders
Alpine Adaptation: Stay Shaggy! Charles J. Zimmerman Sep 27 2019 Climate change Alpine Adaptation: Stay Shaggy!
Alpine Adaptation: Red is the New Black Charles J. Zimmerman Sep 27 2019 Climate change Alpine Adaptation: Red is the New Black
Alpine Meadows Charles J. Zimmerman Sep 27 2019 Climate change Alpine Meadows
Climate Change & Alpine Retreat Charles J. Zimmerman Sep 27 2019 Climate change Climate Change & Alpine Retreat
Treeline Expansion Charles J. Zimmerman Sep 27 2019 Climate change, Seed plants Treeline Expansion
"Citizen Scientists" Support Alpine Research! Charles J. Zimmerman Sep 27 2019 Climate change, Seed plants
Alpine Adaptation: Dig-Down & Stand Your Ground Charles J. Zimmerman Sep 27 2019 Climate change, Seed plants Alpine Adaptation: Dig-Down & Stand Your Ground
Alpine Refugia Charles J. Zimmerman Sep 27 2019 Climate change Alpine Refugia
Alpine Adaptation: Hold Tight & Take It Slow Charles J. Zimmerman Sep 27 2019 Climate change, Seed plants Alpine Adaptation: Hold Tight & Take It Slow
The Blessings of Snow Charles J. Zimmerman Sep 27 2019 Climate change, Seed plants, Winter The Blessings of Snow
Extreme Alpine Plants Charles J. Zimmerman Sep 27 2019 Climate change, Seed plants Extreme Alpine Plants
Fragile Alpine Ecosystems Charles J. Zimmerman Sep 27 2019 Climate change Fragile Alpine Ecosystems
Alpine Adaptation: Duck and Cover Charles J. Zimmerman Sep 27 2019 Climate change, Seed plants Alpine Adaptation: Duck and Cover
Alpine Adaptation: Solid As A Rock Charles J. Zimmerman Sep 27 2019 Lichens, Climate change Alpine Adaptation: Solid As A Rock
Lichens and Rising Sea Levels Laura Briscoe Sep 26 2019 Lichens, Climate change, Endangered species Lichens and Rising Sea Levels
Traveling Plants: Plants on the move Amy Weiss Sep 26 2019 Climate change, Seed plants Traveling Plants: Plants on the move
Traveling Plants: People lend a hand Amy Weiss Sep 26 2019 Climate change, Seed plants, Invasive species Traveling Plants: People lend a hand
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