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Displaying 41 - 80 out of 88 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Orthotrichum stellatum Brid.W. R. Buck 61414
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Northern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, SW of South Bedford Road, just W of Mallard Lake Road.01912481Orthotrichum stellatum. Photo by C. C. Matos.
Anomodon attenuatus (Hedw.) HübenerW. R. Buck 61415
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Northern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, SW of South Bedford Road, just W of Mallard Lake Road.01912482Anomodon attenuatus. Photo by C. C. Matos.
Hypnum imponens Hedw.W. R. Buck 61416
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Northern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, SW of South Bedford Road, just W of Mallard Lake Road.01912483
Orthotrichum stellatum Brid.W. R. Buck 61417
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Northern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, SW of South Bedford Road, just W of Mallard Lake Road.01912484
Lewinskya elegans (Schwägr. ex Hook. & Grev.) F.Lara, Garilleti & GoffinetW. R. Buck 61418
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Northern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, SW of South Bedford Road, just W of Mallard Lake Road.01912485
Brachythecium falcatum (Grout) H.A.CrumW. R. Buck 61419
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Northern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, SW of South Bedford Road, just W of Mallard Lake Road.01912486
Brachythecium rutabulum (Hedw.) Schimp.W. R. Buck 61420
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Northern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, SW of South Bedford Road, just W of Mallard Lake Road.01912487
Fissidens bryoides var. pusillus (Wilson) PursellW. R. Buck 61421
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Northern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, SW of South Bedford Road, just W of Mallard Lake Road.01912488Fissidens bryoides var. pusillus. Photo by C. C. Matos.
Hedwigia ciliata (Hedw.) P.Beauv.W. R. Buck 61422
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Northern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, SW of South Bedford Road, just W of Mallard Lake Road.01912489
Brachythecium populeum (Hedw.) Schimp.W. R. Buck 61423
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Northern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, SW of South Bedford Road, just W of Mallard Lake Road.01912490
Platygyrium repens (Brid.) Schimp.W. R. Buck 61424
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Northern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, SW of South Bedford Road, just W of Mallard Lake Road.01912491
Grimmia pilifera P.Beauv.W. R. Buck 61425
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Northern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, SW of South Bedford Road, just W of Mallard Lake Road.01912492
Hygroamblystegium varium (Hedw.) Mönk.W. R. Buck 61426
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Northern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, SW of South Bedford Road, just W of Mallard Lake Road.01912493
Ulota hutchinsiae (Sm.) HammarW. R. Buck 61427
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Northern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, SW of South Bedford Road, just W of Mallard Lake Road.01912494
Entodon seductrix (Hedw.) Müll.Hal.W. R. Buck 61428
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Northern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, SW of South Bedford Road, just W of Mallard Lake Road.01912495
Ulota crispa (Hedw.) Brid.W. R. Buck 61429
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Northern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, SW of South Bedford Road, just W of Mallard Lake Road.01912496
Plagiothecium denticulatum (Hedw.) Schimp.W. R. Buck 61434
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Eastern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, N of Upper Shad Road, just W of Joshua Hobby Lane.01817401
Aulacomnium palustre (Hedw.) Schwägr.W. R. Buck 61435
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Eastern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, N of Upper Shad Road, just W of Joshua Hobby Lane.01817402Aulacomnium palustre. Photo by C. C. Matos.
Leptodictyum riparium (Hedw.) Warnst.W. R. Buck 61436
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Eastern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, N of Upper Shad Road, just W of Joshua Hobby Lane.01817403
Climacium kindbergii (Renauld & Cardot) GroutW. R. Buck 61437
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Eastern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, N of Upper Shad Road, just W of Joshua Hobby Lane.01817404
Calliergon giganteum (Schimp.) Kindb.W. R. Buck 61438
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Eastern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, N of Upper Shad Road, just W of Joshua Hobby Lane.01817405Calliergon giganteum. Photo by C. C. Matos.
Calliergonella lindbergii (Mitt.) HedenäsW. R. Buck 61439
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Eastern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, N of Upper Shad Road, just W of Joshua Hobby Lane.01817406
Mnium hornum Hedw.W. R. Buck 61440
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Eastern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, N of Upper Shad Road, just W of Joshua Hobby Lane.01817407Mnium hornum. Photo by C. C. Matos.
Tetraphis pellucida Hedw.W. R. Buck 61441
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Eastern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, N of Upper Shad Road, just W of Joshua Hobby Lane.01817408
Rhizomnium appalachianum T.J.Kop.W. R. Buck 61442
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Eastern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, N of Upper Shad Road, just W of Joshua Hobby Lane.01817410
Bryhnia graminicolor (Brid.) GroutW. R. Buck 61443
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Eastern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, N of Upper Shad Road, just W of Joshua Hobby Lane.01817409
Sphagnum capillifolium (Ehrh.) Hedw.W. R. Buck 61448
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Eastern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, N of Upper Shad Road, just W of Joshua Hobby Lane.01817415Sphagnum capillifolium. Photo by C. C. Matos.
Sphagnum palustre L.W. R. Buck 61449
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Eastern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve, N of Upper Shad Road, just W of Joshua Hobby Lane.01817416Sphagnum palustre. Photo by C. C. Matos.
Dicranum scoparium Hedw.F. B. Matos 2314 with C. Matos,
07 Jul 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve, Northern Loop Trail, entrance at South Bedford Road.
Leucobryum albidum (Brid. ex P.Beauv.) Lindb.F. B. Matos 2299 with S. A. Mori & C. Matos,
05 Jul 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk, Zofnass Family Preserve, Eastern Loop Trail, entrance at Joshua Hobby Lane.
Polytrichum ohioense Renauld & CardotS. A. Mori 27646
05 Jul 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to the Eastern Loop, near parking area.Township of Pound Ridge, on Upper Shad Road.01096936
Homomallium adnatum (Hedw.) Broth.S. A. Mori 27768 with C. A. Gracie,
14 Jun 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Northern Loop of the Westchester Wilderness Walk of the Westchester Land Trust, Town of Pound Ridge.02342368Fertile plants of a moss. Photo by C. A. Gracie.
Polytrichum ohioense Renauld & CardotS. A. Mori 27746 United States of America. New York. Zofnass Family Preserve, Town of Pound Ridge. Area around entrance to the eastern loop up to the first bridge on the Joshua Hobby Road.02225072Habitat of Polystichum ohioense. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Hypnum imponens Hedw.S. A. Mori 27747
01 Jun 2014
United States of America. New York. Zofnass Family Preserve, Town of Pound Ridge. Area around entrance to the eastern loop up to the first bridge on the Joshua Hobby Road.02225073Gametophyte of Hypnum imponens. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Calliergon cordifolium (Hedw.) Kindb.S. A. Mori 27801 with Y.-Y. Huang & M. Rothman,
30 Jun 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Eastern Loop of the Westchester Wilderness Walk of the Westchester Land Trust, Town of Pound Ridge. Coordinates taken at entrance to trail.02342369Apex of a stem of a moss. Photo by M. Rothman.
Polytrichum ohioense Renauld & CardotS. A. Mori 27646
05 Jul 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to Eastern Loop, near parking area.Habit of Polytrichastrum ohioense. Photo  by S. A. Mori.
Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid.S. A. Mori 27652
18 Jul 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to Eastern Loop, near parking area.01096901Habit of Ceratodum purpureus. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Leucobryum albidum (Brid. ex P.Beauv.) Lindb.S. A. Mori 27555
02 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Near east entrance, at the junction of Upper Shad Road and Joshua Hobby Lane. Eastern loop trail.01096908
Polytrichum ohioense Renauld & CardotS. A. Mori 27754 with C. Carollo, W. Diniz & F. Saiter,
03 Jun 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve/Westchester Wilderness Walk, Town of Pound Ridge, from entrance to northern loop to ca. 250 meters from the entrance. Coordinates taken at entrance to trail.02225071Sporophytes of Polytrichum ohioense. Photo by C. Carollo.
Herzogiella striatella (Brid.) Z.Iwats.S. A. Mori 27763 with C. Carollo, W. Diniz & F. Saiter,
03 Jun 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve/Westchester Wilderness Walk, Town of Pound Ridge, from entrance to northern loop to ca. 250 meters from the entrance. Coordinates taken at entrance to trail.02225074Sporophyles of Herzogiella striatella. Photo by C. Carollo.