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Displaying 81 - 120 out of 204 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Trametes versicolor (L.:Fr.) LloydZ. Chaves 0155
12 Oct 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Eastern loop near parking. [Westchester] Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.Trametes versicolor.
Postia caesia (Schrad.) P.Karst.Z. Chaves 0157 United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Eastern loop near parking. [Westchester] Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.Postia caesia.
Lycoperdon pyriforme Schaeff.Z. Chaves 0178
02 Nov 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Western Loop after bridge. [Westchester] Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.Lycoperdon pyriforme.
Ischnoderma resinosum (Schrad.:Fr.) P.Karst.Z. Chaves 0161
02 Nov 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Western Loop before bridge. [Westchester] Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.Ischnoderma resinosum.
StereumZ. Chaves 0160
02 Nov 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Western Loop before bridge. [Westchester] Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.An unknown species of Stereum.
Galerina marginata (Batsch) KühnerZ. Chaves 0170
02 Nov 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Western Loop after bridge. [Westchester] Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.
Favolus alveolaris (DC.:Fr.) Quél.Z. Chaves 0175
02 Nov 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Western Loop after bridge. [Westchester] Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.Favolus alveolaris,
Calocera cornea (Batsch:Fr.) Fr.Z. Chaves 0179
08 Nov 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Western Loop before bridge. [Westchester] Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.Calocera cornea.
Panellus serotinus (Pers.:Fr.) KühnerZ. Chaves 0191
08 Nov 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Western Loop before bridge. [Westchester] Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.Panellus serotinus.
Panellus serotinus (Pers.:Fr.) KühnerZ. Chaves 0210 United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Western Loop after bridge. [Westchester] Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.
Pseudoboletus parasiticus (Bull.:Fr.) ŠutaraZ. Chaves 041
17 Aug 2015
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve. Western Loop past deer exclosure before bridge. Pseudoboletus parasiticus on Sclederoderma citrinum..
Trametes gibbosa (Pers.) Fr.
Lenzites betulina (L.:Fr.) Fr.Z. Chaves 0156
12 Oct 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Eastern loop near parking. [Westchester] Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.Lenzites betulina.
Tremella Pers.:Fr.Z. Chaves 0176
02 Nov 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Western Loop after bridge. [Westchester] Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.
Trichaptum biforme (Fr.) RyvardenZ. Chaves 0180
08 Nov 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Western Loop before bridge. [Westchester] Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.Trichaptum biforme.
TyromycesZ. Chaves 0199
08 Nov 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Western Loop after bridge. [Westchester] Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.
Tremella mesenterica Retz.:Fr.Z. Chaves 0201
08 Nov 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Western Loop after bridge. [Westchester] Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.Tremella mesenterica.
Lophodermium pinastri (Schrad.:Fr.) Chev.Z. Chaves 0224
02 May 2015
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Northern trial in white pine stand. [Westchester] Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.Lophodermium pinastri.
Pycnoporus cinnabarinus (Jacq.:Fr.) P.Karst.S. A. Mori 27673
15 Sep 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to Eastern Loop, near parking area.Cap of Pycnoporus cinnabarinus. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Rhytisma prini (Schwein.) Fr.S. A. Mori 27680 United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchesteer Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to the western loop.00741313Section of a species of a tar fungus (Rhytisma prini). Photo by S. A. Mori.
Boletinellus merulioides (Schwein.) MurrillS. A. Mori 28104 with M. Rothman,
10 Oct 2016
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve. Near to the Southern Loop and Glacial Eratic trails.03999869Lateral view of Boletinellus merulioides. Image by M. Rothman.
Laetiporus sulphureus (Bull.:Fr.) MurrillS. A. Mori 28107 with M. Rothman,
10 Oct 2016
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve. Near to the Southern Loop and Glacial Eratic trails.Habit and habitat of Laetiporus sulphureus. Image by M. Rothman.
Piptoporus betulinus (Bull.:Fr.) P.Karst.S. A. Mori 28114 with M. Rothman,
13 Dec 2016
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Southern Loop of the Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve. Between the Princess Pine Grove and Becky's Brook.03999870Dorsal view of the pileus of Piptoporus betulinus. Image by M. Rothman.
Trametes gibbosa (Pers.) Fr.S. A. Mori 28111 with M. Rothman,
30 Dec 2016
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Southern Loop of the Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve. Between the Princess Pine Grove and Becky's Brook.03999873Habit and habitat of Trametes gibbosa. Image by M. Rothman.
Stereum ostreaS. A. Mori 28120 with M. Rothman,
30 Dec 2016
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. South Loop. At Paul's Falls.Habit and habitat of Stereum ostrea. Image by M. Rothman.
Kretzschmaria deusta (Hoffm.) P.M.D.MartinS. A. Mori 28119 with M. Rothman,
13 Dec 2016
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. South Loop. At Paul's Falls.03999871Habit of Kretzschmaria deusta. Image by M. Rothman.
Trichaptum biforme (Fr.) RyvardenS. A. Mori 28112 with M. Rothman,
13 Dec 2016
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchester Wilderness WalkZofnass Family Preserve. On western side of the Eastern Loop, Township of Pound Ridge, on Upper Shad Road.03999874Fungal mass of Trichaptum biforme. Image by M. Rothman.
Trichaptum biforme (Fr.) RyvardenS. A. Mori 27874 with M. Rothman,
02 May 2015
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. About 200 meters straight in from the main entrance at the first skunk cabbage swamp.Habitat and habitat of Trichopterum biforme. Photo by M. Rothman.
Polyporus melanopus Pers.:Fr.S. A. Mori 27888 with Z. Chavez,
02 May 2015
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. About 200 meters straight in from the main entrance at the first skunk cabbage swamp.
Hypholoma sublateritium (Fr.) Quél.S. A. Mori 27866 with C. A. Gracie,
26 Oct 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. South Salem. 19 N. Lake Circle.Lateral view of a clump of Hypholoma sublateritium. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.:Fr.) P.Kumm.S. A. Mori 27871 with C. A. Gracie,
26 Oct 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Eastern Loop.Habitat of Pleurotus ostreatus.  Photo by S. A. Mori.
Clavicorona pyxidata (Pers.:Fr.) DotyS. A. Mori 27586 with C. Carollo & J. Jiang,
05 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Near east entrance, at the junction of Upper Shad Road and Joshua Hobby Lane. Eastern loop trail.01096880Clavicorona pyxidata. Photo by J. Jiang.
Fomes fomentarius (L.:Fr.) J.J.KickxS. A. Mori 27587 with C. Carollo & J. Jiang,
05 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchesteer Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to the western loop.01096882Cap of Fomes fomentarius. Photo by S. A. Mori
Amanita Pers.S. A. Mori 28059 with M. Rothman,
15 Jul 2016
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve, Connection between the Northern Loop and the Central Roundabout.Habit and size of Amanita sp. Photo by M. Rothman.
Amanita Pers.S. A. Mori 28057
15 Jul 2016
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve, Connection between the Northern Loop and the Central Roundabout.Habit of Amanita sp. Photo by M. Rothman.
Boletus L.S. A. Mori 28058 with M. Rothman,
15 Jul 2016
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve, Connection between the Northern Loop and the Central Roundabout.Habit of Boletus sp. Photo by M. Rothman.
S. A. Mori 27588 with C. Carollo & J. Jiang,
05 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchesteer Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to the western loop.01096953Habit of Unknown sp. Photo by S. A. Mori.
S. A. Mori 27595 with C. Carollo, J. Jiang, H. Roseman.,
10 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchesteer Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to the western loop.01096928Habit of unknown sp. Photo by C. Carollo.
Trichaptum biforme (Fr.) RyvardenS. A. Mori 27599 with C. Carollo, J. Jiang, H. Roseman.,
10 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchesteer Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to the western loop.01096879Cap of Trichaptum biforme. Photo by C. Carollo.
Stereum ostreaS. A. Mori 27601 with C. Carollo, J. Jiang, H. Roseman.,
10 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchesteer Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to the western loop.01096881Photo by C. Carollo.