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Displaying 1 - 40 out of 48 Object(s)
Taxon Collector Location Type Status Barcode
Dichanthelium microcarpon (Muhl. ex Elliot) Mohlenbr.R. F. C. Naczi 14905 with J. Jiang, C. Carollo, F. B. Matos,
20 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Eastern Loop.01096846Herbarium sheet of Dichanthelium microcarpon. Photo by NY.
Brachyelytrum aristosum (Michx.) P.Beauv. ex Trel.R. F. C. Naczi 14906A with J. Jiang, C. Carollo, F. B. Matos,
20 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Eastern Loop.01096819Herbarium sheet of Brachyelytrum aristosum. Photo by NY.
Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc.R. F. C. Naczi 14909 with J. Jiang, C. Carollo, F. B. Matos,
20 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Eastern Loop. Swamp near the entrance.01096823Herbarium sheet of Glyceria striata. Photo by NY.
Dichanthelium microcarpon (Muhl. ex Elliot) Mohlenbr.R. F. C. Naczi 14924 with J. Jiang, C. Carollo, F. B. Matos,
20 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Eastern Loop. Edge of swamp.01096818Herbarium sheet of Dichanthelium microcarpon. Photo by NY.
Dichanthelium lindheimeri (Nash) GouldJ. Jiang 7 with R. F. C. Naczi, C. Carollo, F. Matos,
25 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. South Loop.01096892Herbarium sheet of Dichanthelium lindheimeri. Photo by NY.
Festuca subverticillata (Pers.) E.B.AlexeevJ. Jiang 9 with R. F. C. Naczi, C. Carollo, F. Matos,
25 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. South Loop.01421044Herbarium sheet of Festuca subverticillata. Photo by NY.
Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon (Elliott) GouldJ. Jiang 21 with R. F. C. Naczi, S. A. Mori, C. Carollo,
18 Jul 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to the Eastern Loop, near parking area.01421018Herbarium sheet of Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon. Photo by NY.
Dichanthelium implicatum (Scribn.) KerguélenJ. Jiang 22 with R. F. C. Naczi, S. A. Mori, C. Carollo,
18 Jul 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to the Eastern Loop, near parking area.01421017Herbarium sheet of Dichanthelium implicatum. Photo by NY.
Muhlenbergia schreberi J.F.Gmel.J. Jiang 30 with R. F. C. Naczi,
31 Jul 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Southern Loop.01421039Herbarium sheet of Muhlenbergia schreberi. Photo by NY.
Leersia virginica Willd.J. Jiang 31 with R. F. C. Naczi,
31 Jul 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Southern Loop.01420993Herbarium sheet of Leersia virginica. Photo by NY.
Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) A.CamusJ. Jiang 32 with R. F. C. Naczi,
31 Jul 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Southern Loop.01421035Herbarium sheet of Microstegium vimineum. Photo by NY.
Cinna arundinacea L.
Cinna arundinacea L.S. A. Mori 27664 with W. R. Buck, R. Harris & C. Carollo,
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to Eastern Loop, near parking area.0109703501097035.jpg
Leersia virginica Willd.S. A. Mori 27655 with W. R. Buck, R. Harris & C. Carollo,,
16 Aug 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Pound Ridge, Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve, Northern Loop Trail, entrance at South Bedford Road.01097030Herbarium sheet of Leersia virginica. Image by C. Carollo.
Digitaria ischaemum (Schreb.) Muhl.S. A. Mori 27677
15 Sep 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to Eastern Loop, near parking area.0074130800741308.jpg
Microstegium vimineum (Trin.) A.CamusS. A. Mori 27678
15 Sep 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to Eastern Loop, near parking area.00741309Growth form of Microstegium vimineum. Photo by S. A. Mori.
Danthonia spicata (L.) P.Beauv. ex Roem. & Schult.S. A. Mori 27769 with C. A. Gracie,
14 Jun 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Northern Loop of the Westchester Wilderness Walk of the Westchester Land Trust, Town of Pound Ridge.02111380Spikelets of Danthonia spicata. Photo by C. A. Gracie.
Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc.S. A. Mori 27772 with C. A. Gracie,
14 Jun 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Northern Loop of the Westchester Wilderness Walk of the Westchester Land Trust, Town of Pound Ridge.02111377Inflorescence of Glyceria striata. Photo by C. A. Gracie.
Poa pratensis L.S. A. Mori 27782 with C. A. Gracie & R. Naczi,
19 Jun 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Eastern Loop, Zofnass Family Preserve of the Westchester Wilderness Walk, Town of Pound Ridge.02111362Herbarium sheet of Poa pratensis. Photo by NY.
Dichanthelium clandestinum (L.) GouldS. A. Mori 28074 with C. Gracie, M. Rothman & T. Busnell,
14 Aug 2016
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve. Western side of Western Loop.0253184102531841.jpg
Anthoxanthum aristatum Boiss.S. A. Mori 27743
01 Jun 2014
United States of America. New York. Zofnass Family Preserve, Town of Pound Ridge. Area around entrance to the eastern loop up to the first bridge on the Joshua Hobby Road.0211135702111357.jpg
Brachyelytrum erectum (Schreb.) P.Beauv.S. A. Mori 28102 with M. Rothman,
10 Oct 2016
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve. Near to the Southern Loop and Glacial Eratic trails.0253184002531840.jpg
Echinochloa muricata (P.Beauv.) FernaldS. A. Mori 27985 with M. Rothman,
21 Aug 2015
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. Main entrance to the Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve on Upper Shad Road. At edge of preserve along road by entrance.02269363Herbarium sheet of Echinochloa muricata. Image by NY.
Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult.S. A. Mori 27988 with M. Rothman,
21 Aug 2015
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. Main entrance to the Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve on Upper Shad Road. At edge of preserve along road by entrance.02269481Herbarium sheet of Setaria pumila subsp. pumila. Image by NY.
Panicum dichotomiflorum Michx.S. A. Mori 27983 with M. Rothman,
21 Aug 2015
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. Main entrance to the Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve on Upper Shad Road. At edge of preserve along road by entrance.02269397Herbarium sheet of Panicum dichotomiflorum. Image by M. Rothman.
Cinna arundinacea L.S. A. Mori 27813
03 Aug 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge. Near main entrance on Upper Shad Road and first part of the Western Loop of the Zofnass Family Preserve as far as the first wet area with large stepping stone bridge.02531766Herbarium sheet of  Cinna arundinacea. Image by NY.
Elymus hystrix L.S. A. Mori 28171 with M. Rothman,
08 Jul 2017
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Area of Paul's Falls of the Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve.03220168Habit of Elymus hystrix.  Image by M. Rothman.
Danthonia spicata (L.) P.Beauv. ex Roem. & Schult.S. A. Mori 27622 with C. Carollo,
12 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Reserve. At junction of South Loop and Western Loop.0109698301096983.jpg
Phalaris arundinacea L.S. A. Mori 27641
05 Jul 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to Eastern Loop, near parking area.01096773Herbarium specimen of Phalaris arundinacea L.
Agrostis perennans (Walter) Tuck.S. A. Mori 27838 United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge. Vicinity of the entrance to the eastern loop of the Zofnass family Presereve of the Westchester Land Trust's Wilderness Walk.02531765Herbarium sheet of Agrostis perennans. Photo by NY.
Cinna arundinacea L.S. A. Mori 27834
24 Aug 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge. Vicinity of the entrance to the eastern loop of the Zofnass Family Preserve of the Westchester Land Trust's Wilderness Walk.02531773Herbarium sheet of  Cinna arundinacea. Image by NY.
Leersia virginica Willd.S. A. Mori 27835
24 Aug 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Town of Pound Ridge. Vicinity of the entrance to the eastern loop of the Zofnass Family Preserve of the Westchester Land Trust's Wilderness Walk.02531769Herbarium sheet of Leersia virginica. Photo by NY.
Cinna arundinacea L.S. A. Mori 27848 with M. Rothman,
07 Aug 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Co., New York. Western part of Western Loop.02531771Herbarium sheet of Cinna arundinacea. Photo by NY.
Cinna arundinacea L.S. A. Mori 27849 with M. Rothman,
07 Aug 2014
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester Co., New York. Southern part of Western Loop.02531772Herbarium sheet of Cinna arundinacea. Photo by NY.
Dactylis glomerata L.S. A. Mori 27557
02 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Zofnass Family Preserve. Near east entrance, at the junction of Upper Shad Road and Joshua Hobby Lane. Eastern loop trail.01096971Herbarium sheet of Dactylis glomerata. Photo by NY.
PoaceaeS. A. Mori 27941 with C. A. Gracie, M. Rothman & L. Li,
30 May 2015
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. Eastern Loop of the Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve, on the extension of the loop between the entrance and the end of the damp area.0226936202269362.jpg
Poa pratensis L.S. A. Mori 27942 with C. A. Gracie, M. Rothman & L. Li, United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Pound Ridge. Eastern Loop of the Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve, on the extension of the loop between the entrance and the end of the damp area.02269387Herbarium sheet of Poa pratensis. Photo by NY.
Dichanthelium dichotomum (L.) GouldS. A. Mori 27953 with M. Rothman,
07 Jun 2015
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Near the Grand Stone Staircase, at the point where the connecting trail beween the Eastern Loop and the Central Roundabout meet. Westchester Wilderness Walk/Zofnass family Preserve.02269412Herbarium sheet of Dichanthelium dichotomum at NY. Image by NY.
Festuca trachyphylla (Hack.) KrajinaS. A. Mori 27604 with C. Carollo & J. Jiang & H. Roseman,
10 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchesteer Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to the western loop.01097039Herbarium sheet of Festuca trachyphylla. Photo by NY.
Bromus pubescens Muhl. ex Willd.S. A. Mori 27606 with C. Carollo & J. Jiang & H. Roseman,
10 Jun 2013
United States of America. New York. Westchester Co. Westchesteer Wilderness Walk/Zofnass Family Preserve. Entrance to the western loop.01097041Herbarium sheet of Bromus pubescens. Photo by NY.