Monographs Details:

Britton, Nathaniel L. & Millspaugh, Charles F. 1920. The Bahama Flora.

Scientific Name:


Description - Shrubs or trees, often spiny, with 2-pinnate leaves, and small, mostly per feet flowers in heads or spikes. Calyx 5-6-toothed. Corolla 5-6-lobed. Stamens many, long-exserted, the filaments partly united into a tube, the anthers small. Ovary several-many-ovuled; style slender; stigma small, capitate. Pods flattened, mostly contorted or curved, 2-valved. Seeds mostly arillate. [Greek, referring to the contorted pods of the typical species.] Perhaps 100 species, widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. Type species: Mimosa Unguis-cati L. The original sibling of the genus is Pithecellobium.