Monographs Details:

Gradstein, S. Robbert & Ilkiu-Borges, Anna L. 2009. Guide to the plants of Central French Guiana. Part 4. Liverworts and hornworts. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 76 (4): i-iv + 1-140.


Species Description - Plants 0.7-1 mm wide, with upright flagellae. Ocelli 2-4, large, in 1 or 2 rows in lower 1/2 of lobe, several additional, small ones scattered in upper 1/2 of lobe. Underleaves bifid to 1/3 of length, distant, ± orbicular, 2-3 times stem width, lobes obtuse, margins rounded to somewhat angular-dentate. Dioicous, rarely autoicous. Caducous leaves of 2 types: 1) produced on ordinary shoots, unmodified, with lobules, 2) produced on upright, flagelliform shoots, modified, without lobules, much smaller than ordinary leaves, 0.15-0.3 mm long, ocelli present or lacking, margins with a few short or long, scattered, unicellular rhizoids to 70 µm long, cilia lacking. Underleaves on flagellae similar to ordinary underleaves but smaller and densely imbricate-appressed, narrowly bifid to 1/3 of length, outer margins rounded, without tooth.


Rectolejeunea berteroana is considered dioicous; however, one of the specimens from central French Guiana is autoicous (Holz 341, GOET, NY). In some collections, caducous leaves are produced on flagelliform branches or on ordinary leafy shoots; when on ordinary shoots, they are unmodified. The latter character is considered characteristic of R. emarginuliflora Evans, a rare species recorded from central French Guiana by Onraedt & Cremers (1980). Possibly, R. emarginuliflora is merely a form of R. berteroana with unmodified, caducous leaves.