Monographs Details:

Maguire, Bassett. 1984. The Botany of the Guyana Highland - Part XII. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 38: 1-84.


Trichomanes hirsutum L., Sp. Pl. 2: 1098. 1753.

Trichomanes ciliatum Swartz, Nova Gen. Sp. Pl. Prodr. 136. 1788. Type. Jamaica, Swartz (holotype S not seen photo 6185, isotypes B-Hb. Willd. 20222 not seen Tryon photo, B M not seen photo 6587, US).

Hymenophyllum ciliatum (Swartz) Swartz, J. Bot. Schrader 1800(2): 1802.

Sphaerocionium ciliatum (Swartz) Presl, Hymenophyll. 34. 1844.

Sphaerocionium hirsutum (L.) Presl, Hymenophyll. 34. 1844.

Sphaerocionium grevilleanum Presl, Hymenophyll. 34. 1844. Type. Based on Hymenophyllum ciliatum sensu Hook. & Grev., (Icon. Fil. 1: t. 35. 1827), which is based on a specimen collected on St. Vincent by Guilding (K not seen).

Sphaerocionium commutatum Presl, Hymenophyll. 34. 1844. Type. Based on Hymenophyllum boryanum sensu Raddi (Pl. Bras. t. 797, f 4. 1825), which is based on a specimen collected near Rio de Janeiro by Raddi (FI not seen).

Sphaerocionium vestitum Presl, Hymenophyll. 58. 1844. Lectotype. Rio de Janeiro, Est. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Beyrich (lectotype PR? not seen), inferentially chosen by Morton (Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 29: 115. 1947).

Hymenophyllum ciliatum var. ornifolium Kunze, Linnaea 21: 240. 1848. Type. Surinam, Weigelt 164 (holotype LZ destroyed).

Hymenophyllum remotum v. d. Bosch, Nederi. Kruid. Arch 4: 413. 1859, nom. superfl. Type. Based on Hymenophyllum ciliatum sensu Hook. & Grev., (Icon. Fil. 1: t. 35. 1827), which is based on a specimen collected on St. Vincent by Guilding (K not seen).

Hymenophyllum surinamense v. d. Bosch, Nederi. Kruid. Arch. 4: 414. 1859, nom. superfl. Type. Based ultimately on Trichomanes ciliatum Swartz, and so based on the type of that name.

Hymenophyllum commutatum (Presl) van den Bosch, Nederi. Kruid. Arch. 4: 414. 1859.

Hymenophyllum gardnerianum Sturm in Mart., Fl. Bras. 1(2): 297. 1859. Type. Rio de Janeiro, Est. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Gardner 213 (holotype B R not seen, isotype P not seen photo 4563).

Hymenophyllum elegantissimum Fee, Hist. Foug. Lye. Antill. [Mem. Foug. 11]: 118, t. 29, f 2. 1866. Type. Guadeloupe, L'Herminier in 1861 (holotype P or R B not seen).

Hymenophyllum atrovirens Fee & L'Herminier in Fee, Hist. Foug. Lye. Antill. [Mem. Foug. 11]: 120, t. 30, f 4. 1866, non Colenso, 1844, nec Christ, 1904, nom. illeg. Type. Pitou Caraibe, Guadeloupe, Germain in 1864 (holotype P or R B not seen).

Hymenophyllum caulopteron Fee, Crypt. Vase. Bres. 1: 197, t. 70, f 3. 1869. Syntypes. Serra de Estrella, Est. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Glaziou 1713 (syntype P not seen photo 4561) and 920 (syntype P not seen photo 4560; isosyntype N Y not seen); and Rio de Janeiro, Est. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Glaziou 2269 and 2270 (syntypes both P not seen photo 4559).

Hymenophyllum microcarpon Fee, Crypt. Vase. Bres. 1: 245, t. 69, f 3. 1869, non//. microcarpum Desv. 1827, nom. illeg. Syntypes. Rio de Janeiro, Est. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Glaziou 2268 (syntype P not seen photo 4558) and 3356 (syntype P not seen).

Hymenophyllum ulei Christ & Giesenh., Flora 86: 85,/ 6, 7. 1899. Type. Teresopolis, Serra dos Orgaos, Est. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1000 m, Ule 4510 (holotype presumably P not seen, isotypes L not seen photo 2528, US). The locality stated in the original description is in error.

Hymenophyllum elatius Christ in Schwacke, Pl. Nov. Mineiras 2: 13. 1900. Type. San Antonio, Est. Sta. Catarina, Brazil, Ule 206 (holotype P not seen).

Hymenophyllum dimorphum Christ, Bull. Herb. Boiss. II, 4: 941. 1904. Type. Alto de Mano Tigre, basin ofthe Rio Diquis, Pcia. Puntarenas, Costa Rica, 700 m, Pittier 12109 (holotype P? not seen, isotype US).

Hymenophyllum ciliatum var. tuberosum Rosenst., Hedwigia 46: 74. 1906, as ''tuberosa.'' Type. A renaming of//, ulei Christ & Giesenh., and so based on the type of that name.

Hymenophyllum ciliatum var. abbreviatum Rosenst., Hedwigia 56: 360. 1915, as ''abbreviata.'" Type. Ribiera, Est. S. Paulo, Brazil, A. C. Brade 5169 (holotype S not seen).

Sphaerocionium elegantissimum (Fee) Copel., Philippine J. Sci. 67: 34. 1938.

Type. Based on plate 50B of Plumier's "Tractatus de Filicibus Americanis," which is based on a specimen collected by Plumier in the West Indies


West Indies| Mexico North America| Bolivia South America| Brazil South America| Guyana South America| Colombia South America| Venezuela South America| Suriname South America|