Monographs Details:

Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.

Scientific Name:

Tectaria incisa Cav.

Species Description - Rhizomes suberect, woody, 1–2 cm diam.; rhizome scales concolorous, brown, 3–5 x 0.8–1 mm, margins strongly fimbriate; fronds mostly 70–170 cm long; stipes about equaling blade, stramineous to brownish, with scattered hairs 0.1 mm long; blades chartaceous, 1-pinnate, oblong to ovate-oblong, 40–75 x 20–60 cm; rachises glabrous or glabrescent, buds present or absent; pinnae 3–10 pairs, oblique, apical pinna with decurrent base, distal pinnae adnate basiscopically with decurrent base, basal pair short-stalked (to 5 mm), with an elongate, acute, basal, basiscopic lobe, otherwise subentire or undulate, other pinnae mostly 20–25 x 3–6(–7) cm; indument abaxially absent on costae and costules, or of scattered hairs 0.1 mm long on veins, adaxially of dense to scattered hairs 0.1 mm long on costae, elsewhere hairs absent; vein areoles pentagonal or hexagonal, commonly with included free veinlets; sori round, in 2 rows, one row on each side of main lateral veins; indusia persistent, reniform or round, with a basal sinus, lobes overlapping, indusia thus appearing peltate, 1–1.3 mm diam., glabrous; 2n=80 (CR, Jam, Trin, Tobago, Peru), 160 (Jam, PR, Trin).


Type. Puerto Rico. Ventenat s.n. (MA, seen by Christensen, Dansk Bot. Ark. 9(3): 14. 1937).

The non-peltate indusia, 3–10 lateral pairs of pinnae with decurrent bases, terminal segment with a cuneate base, and proximal pinnae with a single basiscopic lobe distinguish T. incisa from T. heracleifolia.