Monographs Details:

Mickel, John T. & Smith, Alan R. 2004. The pteridophytes of Mexico. Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 88: 1-1054.


Species Description - Rhizomes suberect, stoloniferous, lacking tubers; rhizome scales obscurely bicolorous, linear-lanceolate to filiform, ferruginous to pale brown, 6–7 x 0.5–0.8 mm, entire; stipes 10–20 cm long, pale brown, deciduously fibrillose-scaly; blades firmherbaceous, linear, 40–80 x 5–8.5 cm, narrowed at bases; rachises stramineous to pale brown, with dense to scattered fibrillose scales; pinnae subsessile to short-stalked, contiguous or subimbricate at bases, mostly subfalcate, 3–4.5 x 0.8–1.2 cm at the middle, usually rather unequal at the bases, with basiscopic lobe rounded to auriculate, acroscopic lobe auriculate, apices obtuse to acute, margins subentire to crenulate; indument abaxially of pale brown fibrillose scales 1–1.5 mm long, adaxially glabrous or laminae with few fibrillose scales; hydathodes rarely lime-dotted on adaxial blade surfaces; indusia pale brown with darker center, toward pinna bases orbicular to orbicular-reniform and each with a narrow sinus, to usually reniform or lunate and lacking a distinct sinus toward pinna apices, 1.1–1.3 mm in longest dimension; 2n=82 (Jam).


Polypodium exaltatum L., Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 2: 1326. 1759. Type. Sloane, Nat. Hist. Jam., t. 31. 1707 [representing a plant collected by Harlow on Jamaica; see Jenman, J. Bot. 24: 34. 1886].

Unverified, Doubtful, or Mistaken Reports. Mich (reported by Mickel & Beitel, 1988, but not verified). Tab (reported by Magan˜a, 1992, but not verified). Nephrolepis exaltata is usually considered pantropical, but many specimens labelled as this species are misidentified, and in particular it has been confused with N. hirsutula (also recently introduced), which Proctor (1981; as N. multiflora) reported to have supplanted N. exaltata in open or disturbed situations in Jamaica. The two cultivated specimens cited by Smith (1981: 152) as N. exaltata from Chiapas are now determined as N. cordifolia. Many cultivars of this species are known, but the most common ones seen in Mexico appear to belong to the Nephrolepis exaltata ‘Whitmanii’ complex, which has been found in Chiapas growing in the sitios of San Cristo´bal las Casas (Breedlove 16061, DS) and Chapa de Corzo (Breedlove 22862, DS). Also in Chiapas, and probably elsewhere, the cultivar ‘Bostoniensis’ has been found in sitios of Ocozocoautla (Breedlove 23496, DS).


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